Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees? 上地实验学校.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees? 上地实验学校

1. 单元特点分析 2. 课堂设计 3. 练习题( 见 word 文档) 大纲

1 .生词量大且生僻词多,建议教学时有所侧重; 无新语法知识,复习基本句式及时态。 2 .建议以能力情感目标为教学目标的中心。 用英语辩论对于初三学生而言,由于词汇量及思维能力 的限制,操作起来有难度, 因此,利用科学的方法把难度降 到最低,让学生体验到辩论的过程及目的。 涉及动物保护、环境保护等话题,具有现实意义,容易 引起学生共鸣。 3 .以课堂教学步骤为设计思路,把考试题型融入课堂教学当 中,突出实用性。可以把相关知识做复习。 单元特点分析

教学目标( Teaching Aims ) 能力目标 (Ability aim) : 培养学生的辩论交流及写作的能力。 情感目标( Moral aim ): 热爱动物,保护环境,学会正确处理人与自 然的关系。 语言目标( Knowledge aim ): 复习基本句式、语态及词汇。


Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!

Brainstorming: About animals AnimalsDescription words sheepgentle; lovely… …… Do Activity 1a, 1b

Cheetahs: Fast spotted Eagles: Fast cruel Describe animals Useful language: 1. It’s _____. 2. They’re _______.

Crocodiles: Aggressive cruel Nemo: Colorful shy brave(in the movie)

Polar bears: enormous aggressive furry Parrots: Beautiful noisy

sharks: pandas: shy gentle endangered

tigers: dolphins:

(Plan 1) Group work Guessing game using the information in Ex1 e.g. A: I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables. B: You’re like an elephant. A: No. B: You’re like a manatee. A: Yes. be like 像 … 一样 like prep. like v. 喜欢 like to do sth 喜欢做某事

(Plan 2) Pair work What kind of animal do you like best? Useful language: 1.I think that … because… 2.I feel that… 3.I agree/disagree with you. Model: A: We’ve just seen so many animals. What animals do you like best? B: I like tigers best because they are so cool. A: I disagree with you. I always feel scared when I see them. I like to see birds. B: Is it true? They are too noisy. I don’t love them. A: But I think they are very beautiful.

A lovely animal---- Manatee ! 1. They’re gentle/ intelligent/ large. 2. Live in the water under the trees in mangrove swamps ( 红树林 ) 3. Eat aquatic feed ( 水生植物) 4. Sometimes, a female manatee can feed its baby like a woman, so it’s called “mermaid” ( 美人鱼 ) or “woman of the waves”.

But now, they are Causes: 1. Some of the swamps have become polluted. 2. There isn’t enough food for all of them.

Ex: Listen to 2a and 2b of Section A3 2b Complete the chart Kind of animal Manatee Numbers_____ in the U.S. Habitattrees __________ in mangrove swamps Reason why they are endangered swamps_______, not enough ____ Description_____, three meters long, weighs 1,000 pounds 2,500 under water pollutedfood large

1.What animals are endangered now? Underline them. manatees, dogs, chicken, bears, pandas, flies( 苍蝇 ), tigers, bedbugs( 臭虫 ), parrots 2. How to save the manatees and other endangered animals? Write some ways.(at least 3) Homework: Endangered animals Ways to save them Manatees … …

Lead-in: How to save the manatees? 1.Protect the environment. 2.Make laws to save the animals. 3.Give them enough food. 4.Build zoos to be their home. 5. …

Debate : 背景:在我们这个地方没有动物园。如果 想观看动物,就 要走很远的路。为了保护动物、开发旅游资源,也为了孩子们 学习成长的需要,政府计划兴建一个新的动物园。但是这个计 划遭到了一些人的反对。到底该不该建这个动物园呢?政府决 定向市民征求意见。也许你的意见就会影响最终的决策。 Should a new zoo be built in our town?

Is this a debate? A: I agree. I think it’s a great idea because the zoo is an interesting place. … B: No,no,no! You know, the zoo is a terrible place for animals. You are too cruel just like a crocodile. A: How dare you say that! I think you’re just like a fly always making me disgusted. B:I’m a fly? You, a bedbug! A:I hate you! (crying…  ) B:I hate you too!! No!

How to debate? 1.Choose your view. ( 确定论点) Please read the following letters and find the main view of each letter. (SectionA 3a,3b) A: _______________________________ B: _______________________________ Disagree to build a new zoo. Agree to build a new zoo.

2. Collect the factors to support your idea. (收集论据) Read the two letters again, and write down the key points. Do a pairwork to discuss. A: (cons) ______________ B: (pros) ______________ 1. Zoos are terrible. 2.Keep animals in cages. 3. Eat food once a day. You can write something more here if you have! 1.Zoos are important. 2. living textbooks 3. Educate the public Now, choose one of them!

3. Prepare your question to ask the other side. (Divide the Ss into groups of four. In one group, two of four students form a party to debate.) Question: __________________________ ? Useful language: Could you tell me…? Why do you think…..? Do you think…?

Useful language: 1.I think that… 2.I believe that… 3.I feel that… 4.I agree / disagree with you. 5.Could you tell me…? 6.I agree with … 7.Why do you think…..? 8.Do you think…? 4. Take turns to speak loudly and clearly. Try to make it convincing ( 令人信服). And then ask and answer the questions. (After this step, ask some groups to act out.)

The result of a debate —— Should a new zoo be built in our town? Problem: Here is a real story to help you. Enlarge your mind to find a good solution

farmers and monkeys live together

steal angry

build a real home for monkeys

look after try to help

a famous tourist spot monkey’s happy life

Monkeys : have a home and a happy life people: have new jobs and a new vacation spot Great!

Solve this problem: Should a new zoo be built in our town? Groupwork: Discuss in your group. You must :1. protect the animals 2.make children watch animals easily. Write your solution and give a report.

Solution : _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________________ In our group, we all agree that building the zoo is a good idea. If we have a zoo, we can watch the animals and learn to care them easily. While in the zoo the animals should be treated well. They shouldn’t be put in the cages. They are supposed to be relaxed and free. After all, the zoo is the home for animals, not just for fun.

Save the animals! Save the world!! Save ourselves!!!

How to protect the environment ?( 造句 ) You should do… You could… We’d better do … You are supposed to … I can do… Don’t forget to do… stop riding in cars recycle books and paper turn off the lights when you leave a room take your own bags when shopping ride a bike stop using paper napkins
