1 © 2007 ME™ - Your Money Education Resource™ Chapter 5: Attitudes of Clients Chapter 6: Financial Service Regulations Financial Planning
2 Client Attitudes What impacted your view of money? Knowledge Impact of lack of knowledge on risk tolerance Who pays the bills? Retirees Younger individuals Risk tolerance???
3 Financial Service Industry Regulations Investment adviser Provide advice/analysis on securities In the business of doing this Receive compensation for advice/analysis Must meet all three tests
4 Financial Service Industry Regulations Investment adviser Exceptions Banks Lawyers, teachers, accountants, engineers If incidental Brokers: executes purchases and sales of investment securities…not giving investment advice???? Do not have fiduciary obligation Only suitability standard; much less legal exposure Merrill Lynch rule: SEC excepted brokers with discretionary authority who were compensated based on assets under management Courts: reversed Merrill Lynch rule in 2007 Less than 15 clients and don’t advertise being investment adviser
5 Financial Service Industry Regulations Investment adviser Must register with either SEC More than $25 million ADV: registration statement filed with SEC Adviser has fiduciary obligation State Less than $25 million In the business of doing this Receive compensation for advice/analysis Must meet all three tests
6 Financial Service Industry Regulations Investment adviser Brochure Prior to providing advisory services Annually to clients