The Periodic Table History. zMemorize the periodic table by MondayMemorize zHistory of the periodic tableHistory.


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Presentation transcript:

The Periodic Table History

zMemorize the periodic table by MondayMemorize zHistory of the periodic tableHistory

Newlsands zJohn Newlands (1837, English) yLaw of Octaves (every 8 th element was grouped together) yOrdered elements by atomic mass

Mendeleev zDmitri Mendeleev (1869, Russian) yAlso organized elements by increasing atomic mass. yElements with similar properties were grouped together.

Mendeleev zDmitri Mendeleev (1869, Russian) yPredicted properties of undiscovered elements.

Moseley zHenry Mosely (1913, British) yOrganized elements by increasing atomic number. yResolved discrepancies in Mendeleev’s arrangement. yThis is the way the current Periodic Table is arranged.

Organization of the Elements The Periodic Table

zMetals zNonmetals zMetalloids Metallic Character

Metals zMost of the periodic table is made of metals! z Form positive ions z Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity z Metals are malleable z Metals are ductile z Metals have high tensile strength z Metals have luster

Examples of Metals Potassium, K reacts with water and must be stored in kerosene Zinc, Zn, is more stable than potassium Copper, Cu, is a relatively soft metal, and a very good electrical conductor. Mercury, Hg, is the only metal that exists as a liquid at room temperature

Propertiesof Nonmetals Properties of Nonmetals z Nonmetals are poor conductors of heat and electricity z Nonmetals tend to be brittle z Many nonmetals are gases at room temperature

Examples of Nonmetals Sulfur, S, was once known as “brimstone” Microspheres of phosphorus, P, a reactive nonmetal Graphite is not the only pure form of carbon, C. Diamond is also carbon; the color comes from impurities caught within the crystal structure

Properties of Metalloids Metalloids straddle the border between metals and nonmetals on the periodic table.  They have properties of both metals and nonmetals.  Metalloids are more brittle than metals, less brittle than most nonmetallic solids  Metalloids are semiconductors of electricity  Some metalloids possess metallic luster

Silicon, Si – A Metalloid  Silicon has metallic luster  Silicon is brittle like a nonmetal  Silicon is a semiconductor of electricity Other metalloids include:  Boron, B  Germanium, Ge  Arsenic, As  Antimony, Sb  Tellurium, Te

Metals vs. Nonmetals MetalsNonmetals LusterHigh-shinyDull ConductorGood for heat and electricitypoor MalleableYes-hammered into sheetsNo-brittle DuctileYes-pulled into wiresNo-brittle Melting pointHighLow DensityHighlow

Chemical Reactivity zFamilies ySimilar valence e - within a group result in similar chemical properties

Chemical Reactivity zAlkali Metals zAlkaline Earth Metals zTransition Metals zHalogens zNoble Gases

zMain Group Elements (s & p blocks) zTransition Metals (d block) zInner Transition Metals (f block) Blocks

Periodic Trends The Periodic Table

Periodic Law zWhen elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic #, elements with similar properties appear at regular intervals.

zAtomic Radius ysize of atom © 1998 LOGAL zFirst Ionization Energy yEnergy required to remove one e - from a neutral atom. © 1998 LOGAL zMelting/Boiling Point Other Properties

zAtomic Radius Atomic Radius Li Ar Ne K Na

zAtomic Radius yIncreases to the LEFT and DOWN Atomic Radius

zWhy larger going down? yHigher energy levels have larger orbitals yShielding - core e - block the attraction between the nucleus and the valence e - zWhy smaller to the right? yIncreased nuclear charge without additional shielding pulls e - in tighter Atomic Radius

zFirst Ionization Energy Ionization Energy K Na Li Ar Ne He

zFirst Ionization Energy yIncreases UP and to the RIGHT Ionization Energy

zWhy opposite of atomic radius? yIn small atoms, e - are close to the nucleus where the attraction is stronger zWhy small jumps within each group? yStable e - configurations don’t want to lose e - Ionization Energy

zSuccessive Ionization Energies yMg1st I.E.736 kJ 2nd I.E.1,445 kJ Core e - 3rd I.E.7,730 kJ yLarge jump in I.E. occurs when a CORE e - is removed. Ionization Energy

yAl1st I.E.577 kJ 2nd I.E.1,815 kJ 3rd I.E.2,740 kJ Core e - 4th I.E.11,600 kJ zSuccessive Ionization Energies yLarge jump in I.E. occurs when a CORE e - is removed. Ionization Energy

zMelting/Boiling Point yHighest in the middle of a period. Melting/Boiling Point

zIonic Radius yCations (+) xlose e - xsmaller © 2002 Prentice-Hall, Inc. yAnions (–) xgain e - xlarger Ionic Radius

zWhich atom has the larger radius? yBe or Ba yCa or Br Ba Ca Examples

zWhich atom has the higher 1st I.E.? yNorBi yBa or Ne N Ne Examples

zWhich atom has the higher melting/boiling point? yLiorC yCr or Kr C Cr Examples

zWhich particle has the larger radius? ySorS 2- yAlorAl 3+ S 2- Al Examples

Chinese Periodic Table

Periodic Table Hydrogen: most abundant gas in the universe, 1 valence electron, often exists as a single proton. Alkali Metals: 1 valence electron, forms +1 ion, most reactive metals, combine with halogens to form salts. Soft silvery white. Most reactive is at the bottom. Alkaline Earth Metals: 2 valence electrons, +2 ion Transition Metals: multiple charges, bright colored, used in building, coins, and jewelry Halogens: “Salt formers”, 7 valence electrons, -1 ion, most reactive nonmetals Noble Gases: all have full valence shell of 8 electrons, except He which has 2. Inert (unreactive) gases. Rare Earth or Inner Transition Metals: Many synthetic, rare, or radioactive elements. Divided into Lanthanides and Actinides