How can we acquire the latest news? media television radio newspaper magazine Internet computer.


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Period 2 Reading Answer for EX1& Ex2 on P56 1.floppy disc 2. chips 3. monitor 4. modem 5.CD-ROM 6.scanner 7. keyboard 8. printer 1.printer 2.hard disc.
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Felix’s Technology Dictionary
Presentation transcript:

How can we acquire the latest news? media television radio newspaper magazine Internet computer




① ② ③ ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥

keyboard the part of computer that you type on

screen monitor is the part of the computer that looks like a television the part of monitor that you look at

mouse Something you use to click on things

hard disc

floppy disc flash memory

Introduction –.Matching(5m) 1.A monitor is 2.The screen is 3.A keyboard is 4.A mouse is 5.A CD-ROM is 6.A hard disk is a) the part of a computer that stores information b) the part of the computer that you type on c) the part of the computer that looks like a television d) something you use to click on thing e) the part of the monitor that you look at f) a separate disk that contains lots of information


 Look at the following words, do you know their meaning?  Look at the following words, do you know their meaning? access click on/at crash/breakdown download/ upload / e-zine hardware Internet / intranet keyword/ password n. 通路, 接近 ( 用鼠标 ) 点击 ( 计算机 ) 死机 下载 / 上传 电子邮件 / 电子杂志 硬件 因特网 / 内联网 密码 用户名 user name

Look at the following words, do you know their meaning? Look at the following words, do you know their meaning? log on/off log in/out modem personal computer (PC) software store = save surf website / webpage (modulator and demodulator) (freeware/shareware) 登陆 / 注销 登入 / 登出 调制解调器 个人电脑 软件 ( 免费 / 共享软件 ) 储存 / 保存 ( 信息 ) surf the net/Internet 网上冲浪 网站 / 网页

 Now answer the questions about other possible meanings of the words. 1 Which word means both (a)to look at different websites on the Internet? (b) to ride big ocean waves? 2 Which word can you use to describe both (a)an accident in a car? (b) A computer breakdown? 3 Which word is both (a)a verb meaning to save information on your computer (b) a noun meaning a place where you can buy things surf crash store

4 what’s the difference between the verb and noun meanings of the word log? 5 what is the difference between computer hardware and computer software? A log is a piece of a cut down tree; To log on means to start work on a computer. Hardware is the tangible (有形的,实体的) pieces of equipment; Software is the programs one uses on the computer.

Introduction – 5.Using(4m) Complete the following sentences with the right form of the words just learnt. 1. Citizens may have free ______ to the library. 2. The information is __________ through Internet. 3. There are many vegetables in ______. Don’t worry about the flood. 4. The cars _________ into each other. 5. Beer _________ alcohol. access accessible store crashed contains