The European Network for Quality Assurance in VET Giorgio Allulli Vicechairperson of ENQAVET Board MEDA-ETE Annual Forum2008.


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Presentation transcript:

The European Network for Quality Assurance in VET Giorgio Allulli Vicechairperson of ENQAVET Board MEDA-ETE Annual Forum2008

Policy context Education and Training 2010 Copenhagen Process Education Council Conclusions 2004

Copenhagen Process Single framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences (EQF) System of credit transfer in VET (ECVET) Mandate to develop a framework for quality assurance in VET

Implementation of the mandate Establishment of a technical working group (TWG): some member states, the Commission, candidate countries, EFTA- EEA countries and the European social partners Development of a model and operational instruments for quality in VET.

Instruments developed by the TWG A model: A Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) A set of indicators Instruments for self assessment

The Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF)

The Education Council Conclusions (5/2004) Promote the CQAF on a voluntary basis To develop practical initiatives in order to assess its added value in improving national or regional systems

What is ENQA VET Cooperative platform for structured exchange of information and experience: To foster transparency and consistency of initiatives across Europe To contribute to raising awareness among the relevant stakeholders To promote the status of VET within Member States/Countries

Development of the Network 2005: established by European Commission to support implementation of Copenhagen declaration 2008: More autonomy and independence: Community funding to cover all Network activities for 2 years ( ) Establishment of Secretariat

Membership Designated by: –Member states –Candidate countries –EEA countries –Social partners. 23 Countries co-financing represented as of 2008, plus 3 associated countries. CEDEFOP and ETF participate to the network as technical and scientific advisers, transferring results to non EU Countries Observers are welcome!

Work Programme Open Method of Cooperation Working towards achieving common priorities Sharing of best practice, common principles and guidelines Use of indicators

MISSION Build a shared understanding of quality assurance and development Foster cooperation among relevant stakeholders Establish a common platform, common guidelines and criteria for QA on which mutual trust can be solidly built Involve relevant stakeholders in developing and promoting common instruments and indicators. Work with general and higher education authorities to further develop entire education and training systems within and across Europe.

OBJECTIVES 1.Build sustainable European cooperation and exchange of good practice with regard to QA in VET 2.Support the introduction and implementation of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework 3.Contribute to European policy developments regarding QA 4Promote the effective use of communications to increase awareness and understanding of Quality Assurance 5Meet the expectations of member states and participating countries, the Commission, and other stakeholders

How the Network works A Board, which is the Network executive; it coordinates and facilitates the Network activities and membership National Reference Points, that ensure follow-up of initiatives and dissemination of information at national level A Virtual Community, which provides a communication platform for the Network and for other interested stakeholders

Activities General assembly meetings Board meetings Working groups Peer Learning Thematic studies Thematic Conferences

Peer Learning Topics 1. Quality Assurance procedures for Work based training 2. Evaluation and Monitoring 3. Performance Based Funding / Incentives 4. Quality Assurance procedures for Teacher Training – 5. Quality Assurance procedures for Recognition of Prior Learning 6. Assessment 7. Accreditation 8. Impact of the CQAF

Thematic group topics 1. Indicators 2. Peer Review 3. Develop Guidelines/ Charter for quality assurance for vet-systems and vet-providers 4. Making VET More Attractive. Strands of activity will include: a.Performance Based Funding b.Links with Higher Education c.Transferability

The National Reference Points role  To keep stakeholders informed on the European Network activities  To provide active support to the implementation of the Work Programme  To take concrete initiatives to promote adaptation of the European Framework to country specific contexts  To raise stakeholders awareness of the benefits of using the quality principles, outlined in the European Framework

Toward a Recommendation on Quality in Vet The European Ministers (Helsinki 2006) underlined the need to promote a culture of quality improvement A Recommendation to be adopted by the European Parliament and the Council is under discussion The Recommendation is based on the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQARF), which includes: a model, to facilitate a systemic approach to VET goals setting, implementation, evaluation and review monitoring strands for evaluation and review a measurement tool (indicators)

End results Common quality guidelines, criteria, instruments Culture of quality assurance at systems and provider level Encourage development of national plans Embed EQARF in national systems

The European Network for Quality Assurance in VET Giorgio Allulli Vicechairperson of ENQAVET Board MEDA-ETE Annual Forum2008