特邀学术报告 报告题目: Energy Positioning: Control and Economics 报 告 人:报 告 人: Prof. Daniel Kirschen University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 报告时间: 2014 年 9 月 1.


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特邀学术报告 报告题目: Energy Positioning: Control and Economics 报 告 人:报 告 人: Prof. Daniel Kirschen University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 报告时间: 2014 年 9 月 1 日, 星期一,下午 14:30 报告地点:清华大学西主楼 3 区 102 主办单位:清华大学电机系 联 系 人:联 系 人:康重庆

报告内容 While chemists, material scientists and chemical engineers have made great progress in developing better batteries, the cost of these devices remains very high. Using batteries for arbitrage and ancillary services does not justify their large-scale deployment in the grid. In this presentation, we will explore how distributed energy storage could be used to enhance the existing transmission capacity, reduce the cost of congestion, reduce the amount of renewable energy that must be spilled and reduce or defer the need for investments in additional transmission capacity. We will also discuss techniques that can be used to take into account the uncertainty that renewable energy sources introduce in this optimization problem.

报告人简介 Daniel Kirschen is the Donald W. and Ruth Mary Close Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington. His research focuses on smart grids, the integration of renewable energy sources in the grid, power system economics and power system security. Prior to joining the University of Washington, he taught for 16 years at The University of Manchester (UK). Before becoming an academic, Daniel worked for Control Data and Siemens on the development of application software for utility control centers. He holds a PhD and MS from the University of Wisconsin and an Electro-Mechanical Engineering degree from the Free University of Brussels (Belgium). He is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, and Fellow of the IEEE.