Critical Thinking Questioning Strategies Created By: Jessica Nelson Bloom’s Taxonomy Critical Thinking Questioning Strategies Created By: Jessica Nelson
Bloom’s 6 Levels Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Remembering Recall learned material, remembering previously learned facts. tell list define label state memorize
Understanding Grasp meaning describe summarize predict explain paraphrase restate
Applying Use in a new concrete situation dramatize produce construct show choose model
Analyzing Break into parts, see relationships, organize information analyze classify compare categorize take apart infer
Evaluating Judge value and purpose, support with relevant information recommend judge debate decide argue consider
Creating Invent new item, solve a problem based on learning, decide how to communicate propose predict create plan what if hypothesize
Examples Goldilocks and the Three Bears Remembering: List the items that Goldilocks tried while she was in the three bears’ house. Understanding: Explain why Goldilocks did not like the Papa Bear’s bed. Analyzing: Compare this story to reality. What parts of the story could not really happen? Applying: Dramatize a skit about what would happen if Goldilocks came to your house. Evaluating: Do you agree with what Goldilocks did? Why or why not? Creating: Hypothesize how the story would be different if the title was, “Goldilocks and the Three Crabs”.
Your Turn Little Red Riding Hood Illustrate the main idea of the story on a poster. Rank the characters from best to worst and explain how you ranked them. Create a new story by placing Red in a modern-day city.
Did You Answer… Applying Evaluating Creating
Your Turn… Describe what Red did when she first saw the Wolf. Tell what happened to the grandmother in the story. Write out the main events in the story. Cut them apart and sequence them in proper order.
Did you answer… Understanding Remembering Analyzing
Your turn… Invent a new ending for the story where the Wolf comes out ahead. Using models, demonstrate which house stood up the best. Describe the materials used to build each home.
Did you answer… Creating Applying Understanding
Your turn… Read the story and list the type of home built by each pig. What is the relationship between the materials used to build each house and what happened to it when the wolf blew on it? Judge the homes from worst to best, according to strength, cost, and building time.
Did you answer… Remembering Analyzing Evaluating