Proverbs 25:28. It Is In Our Design  We are different from the animals – Gen. 1:26-27  To not use self-control is to fail to live up to our potential.


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Presentation transcript:

Proverbs 25:28

It Is In Our Design  We are different from the animals – Gen. 1:26-27  To not use self-control is to fail to live up to our potential  Yet we can choose to lose it – Eph. 5:18

It Is Rare  Despite being part of human nature, many do not exercise self-control  Instead they are led by impulse – Phil. 3:18-19  Consider how many do not use common sense!

It Is Developed  This is why some are better at it than others – Titus 2:3-6  Peter was a rash individual in his younger days – Matt. 16:22-23  Yet he grew and learned to restrain himself

It Is Necessary  As Paul taught Felix, it plays a part in the coming judgment – Acts 24:24-25  We should expect it from our leaders – 1 Tim. 3:2-3  So why hold ourselves to a different standard?  God will not – Titus 2:11-14

Conclusion God created us with the ability to reason and use restraint. We are not ruled by our instincts. As such He expects us to use what we have and be disciplined in our lives. Are you sober in your life?