Voice Let’s review Voice!. What are the 5 elements of voice?


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Presentation transcript:

Voice Let’s review Voice!

What are the 5 elements of voice?

5 Elements of Voice  Diction  Imagery  Detail  Syntax  Tone

Diction  Author’s choice of words




Now we’re going to write about some pictures! Jot down some quick notes, as if you were going to write a story prompted by these images. You don’t need to write a whole story, just get some notes!

Use vivid details

Tone: somber

Use details and a sarcastic tone

Use imagery and figurative language

Use repetitive or parallel syntax

Use diction to convey a sense of disaster

Use imagery to explain a memory she’s trying to forget

Use short sentences with dashes or interruptions to describe this setting

YOUR STORY Using your outline from one of the previous pictures, create a story that details the events. There is no specific length requirement, but the story must be complete with the following: -Beginning, Middle, and End -Minimum of 6 examples of imagery from at least 3 senses (sight, touch, sound, taste, feel) - Details based on character or image. -A clear/profound tone. -Minimum of 3 uses from the following: metaphor, simile, alliteration, or personification.