Paraphrase and Summarize SOW. Summarize A recounting of important details of a text. Shorter than the original. Includes key elements of the original.


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Presentation transcript:

Paraphrase and Summarize SOW

Summarize A recounting of important details of a text. Shorter than the original. Includes key elements of the original (Main idea and supporting details)

Paraphrase A restatement of a text in a reader’s own words. Can use some key terms from the original.

Compare and Contrast Paraphrase Your version of essential information and ideas from the text Legitimate way to borrow from a text with citation More detailed then a summary Summary Shorter than the original Communicates the main idea of the text and the main supporting points Give clear overview of the text.

To Summarize Skim the text. Note any sub-headings or try to divide the text into sections Read the text carefully. Pay special attention to the first and last paragraphs Identify the topic sentence. Identify the main support for the topic sentences. Write the topic sentence in your summary.

To Paraphrase Reread the original until you understand its meaning. Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase. Check your version with the original to make sure that your version accurately expresses all the essential information.

Why? Provide support for your ideas and topics. Gives examples of your main idea Helps you understand and remember what you read and hear.