“He Brought Me Through the Waters” Ezekiel 47:1-12.


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Presentation transcript:

“He Brought Me Through the Waters” Ezekiel 47:1-12

Background Ezekiel was a prophet of God called to be watchman over Israel, warning them of their sins against the Lord. His work was during the Babylonian captivity, corresponding with Daniel. Daniel was taken in the first part of the captivity and Ezekiel was taken to Babylon in the second stage of the captivity. Ezekiel’s job was to tell Israel that they were in Babylonian captivity for their wickedness and it was God’s judgment upon Judah. Like many of the prophets in the Old Testament, they persevered in adversity; they overcame difficult predicaments and allowed them to catapult them to a loftier spiritual service

Ezekiel’s Visions Throughout the book, God gave Ezekiel several visions intended to produce a heart of repentance on the Israelites: God's glory (Ezek 1, 8, 10, 11:22) Jews abominations (Ezek 8:5-6) Their punishment (Ezek 9:10) The valley of dry bones (Ezek 37:1-14) A man with measuring line (Ezek 40-48) The river (Ezek 47:1-5)

Manfred Kober has provided the following illustration of the future topography of the Holy Land showing this amazing river of life flowing into the two great seas: Ezekiel 47:1-12 http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/proph/river.htm

Consider the Physical Attributes of this River 4 Things to Consider Consider the Physical Attributes of this River

Consider the Physical Attributes of this River God’s river did not require any feeder streams This river had healing powers (47:8) This river could give life to anything it touches (47:9) Lastly, this river could bring forth fruit and freshness (47:12)

4 Things to Consider 1) Consider the Physical Attributes of this River 2) Consider the Man in the River

2) Consider the Man in the River This river was ankle deep (V.3) This represents the step of faith that saves the soul (Acts 16:31) These are the believers who are baptized but never grow and develop a deeper relationship with God. This river was knee deep (V.4) The knees represent prayer and a developing dependence upon the Lord. Many do not make it to this shallow level of maturity. However, those who are here; understand the power of the Lord. This river was waist deep (V.5) The loins are symbolic of strength. When one has waded this far out, we can feel the power of the river and its effect on us (Eph. 6:10). This level of spiritual maturity is rarely seen, but when it is, you cannot hide its effects in your life!

4 Things to Consider 1) Consider the Physical Attributes of this River 2) Consider the Man in the River 3) Consider the Reality of “Getting in Over Your Head”

3) Consider the Reality of “Getting in over your head” When you are this deep… You have gone beyond your ability You have ceased to support yourself You have given yourself up to the will of the river You are just happy to be carried by the river

4 Things to Consider 1) Consider the Physical Attributes of this River 2) Consider the Man in the River 3) Consider the Reality of “Getting in Over Your Head” 4) Consider the Statement in Verse 3 – “He brought me through the waters”

4) Consider the Statement in Verse 3 – “He brought me through the waters” What wonderful sentiment to express. Maybe you have been through difficult times… Every time I read that verse and understand Ezekiel’s vision; I understand that no matter what life slings at us; we can get through it through God’s help. Think about this: What got you through that difficult time in your life? Some Christians are holding back on their total commitment to the Lord

Conclusion Are you deep in the waters of sin? Are you deep in the waters of materialism? Are you deep in the waters of complacency and apathy? The deeper you go, the harder it is to jump out! God’s desire is for you to repent and turn back to Him. Ezek. 18:30-32 -- God desires all to repent! His justice demands the punishment of the guilty but you can repent! Ezek. 34:23-31 -- He has provided the way of salvation through His Shepherd Won’t you participate in the blessings of His Shepherd, Jesus Christ?