Having a debate Leading in: appreciate some scenes in some movies.


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Presentation transcript:

Having a debate

Leading in: appreciate some scenes in some movies

Are you afraid that something similar may happen in the future? What’s your opinion towards the relationship between human beings and nature?

Read the article and give the main idea for each paragraph. Paragraph Main idea Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Humans have carelessly damaged the environment… Different attitudes towards the problem.

Paragraph Main idea Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Both developed and developing countries should work together towards living in harmony with nature. Humans can only really win by protecting nature.

Read it again and answer the following questions. 1. What have people done to nature? 2. If we continue in this way, what might happen? They have done a lot to destroy and damage nature. The planet we live on might be destroyed.

They did a lot to destroy nature by using up natural resources. However, now they are concerned about saving nature. 3. What did developing nations do decades ago? What are they concerned about now?

Discussion 1. Which is more important, economic development or protecting nature? 2. Do you think it contrary ( 矛盾的 ) to develop economy while not damaging the environment?

Read the second article “GM food: hope or danger?” and answer the following questions: 1. What are people’s different attitudes towards the study of genetics? Many people are excited, while others are frightened.

2. What is one aim of GM research talked about in the article? 3. What are the problems about GM food and GM plants? The aim is to produce food that can make people healthier. Two main problems are talked about in this article. One is whether it is safe or dangerous to eat, the other is whether it is safe or dangerous to the environment.

4. What is many countries’ attitude towards GM food? Why do they hold such attitude? They are hesitated to permit the production of GM food, because they are not sure whether GM food is safe.

1. …development should be stopped in favour of nature? in favour of 有利于,赞同(接名词、 代词和动名词) ask a favour of 拜托某人 do sb. a favour = do a favour for sb. 帮 助某人 Language points

2. From the point of view of some people, … using nature to meet our own needs. point of view: 观点,着眼点 view n. 观点,看法,见解 find favour with a person 受青睐 favour sb. with sth. 对某人施 …… 恩惠

view 侧重于对比较广泛、重大或者有关 公众问题所采取的态度,比较固定、系 统。全面的见解; opinion 是对某事或某人持有的看法或舆 论; idea 是处置某事的计划、判断、理解或 对其实现之可能性进行评测。 辨析: view / opinion / idea

如: He holds an opinion opposite to our. 他持有与我们相反的意见。 Do you have any idea of what I’m trying to explain? 你知道我努力要解释的是什么 ? Different social classes hold different political views. 不同的社会阶级有不同的政治观点。

meet one’s needs 满足某人的要求 e.g. We will buy more computers to meet the child’s needs. 我们要买更多的电脑来满足孩子们 的需求。

Work in pairs and discuss the question in pairs. Do you think the problem of humans winning and nature losing can be settled? If so, can you suggest some solutions? Pair work

Having a debate What topic would you like to discuss? Which members of the group will argue for and against? Where should you look for information about this topic? What are your strongest points? What evidence do you have to support these points?

Create another topic by yourselves and conducting a debate after class. Homework