Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30.


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Presentation transcript:

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30

Luke 22:14-30 A Passover Unlike Any Other: The Last Supper

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 Discuss: What are one or two things that you are learning about how to respond to conflict and how it affects people around you?

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 Traditional Passover Independence Day for Israel Solemn, sacred celebration Remembers freedom from slavery Seder: meal with deep symbolism

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 New Passover Bread: Jesus' body Wine: Jesus' blood Somber, sorrowful occasion Jesus predicting His death New covenant

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 Conflict Added to Jesus' sorrow Squabble over who was greatest Focus on own position, status Jesus cleared any misconceptions Showed true greatness

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 True Greatness Not as the world pictures it Not at the expense of others Rather, in service to others Regardless how they respond

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 True Greatness Christ washed disciples' feet Even those of Judas Iscariot

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 Discuss: How did Jesus respond to the conflict among the disciples in the upper room at the time of His greatest need?

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 Discuss: How should we respond to conflict even when we have unmet needs?

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 Discuss: (1) What are some specific actions I can take to serve humbly and build up in a time of conflict? (2) What are some specific words I can take to serve humbly and build up in a time of conflict?

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 Assignment: Read & Do... Love Dare

Fireproof Resolving Conflict to Build Others Up Luke 22:14-30 References Fireproof teaching series The Love Dare book