1 Janice Attrill, Specialist Adviser, Animal Products Update for NZFMA - March 2013
2 Contents General MPI strategies and initiatives Salmonella Risk Management Strategy Animal Feeds Review Codex Task Force Animal Feeds
3 General MPI Strategies and Initiatives Our strategy 2030 –maximise export opportunities –improve sector productivity –increase sustainable resource use –protect from biological risk Export Double Regulatory Reform Standards Integration Programme
4 Salmonella Risk Management Strategy Mandate from 2010: to protect consumers from non-typhoidal foodborne salmonellosis. Coverage: domestic, imported and exported food. How? By effective food regulatory programmes. Strategic goals: (1)30% reduction in reported cases after 5 years (2)Support of market access.
5 Background A small proportion Salmonella types are endemic in NZ. Transmission pathways of salmonellosis: –Contaminated water; fruit or vegetables washed in such. –Livestock and wild animals; direct contact and consumption of contaminated product following processing. –Food worker who is a carrier, contaminating product. Many possible outcomes in the food processing chain.
6 Other foods Fresh produce, shellfish, flour and peanut products. If associated with human illness are investigated under the Strategy Imported foods Categorisation of S. as a hazard in imported food? Intelligence gathering ongoing.
7 Research 1.Primarily attribution studies. 2.Reviews of outbreaks to determine if foodborne in origin. 3.Food chain studies – for example a specific genotype in poultry feed through processing to humans. 4.Prevalence in livestock; for example studies of dairy herds. 5.Wildlife reservoirs. 6.Emerging pathogens, new serotypes and reservoirs; for example Salmonella DT160 in sparrows.
8 Completed work Attribution/surveillance studies –Enhanced surveillance,including outbreaks –Diagnostic & public health management of foodborne disease –Feasibility microbial subtyping approaches –New tools for analysis of Salmonella surveillance identifying spatial and temporal determinants of raised notifications in New Zealand Scientific Evaluation –Discussion document on plant based animal feeds – palm kernel, copra & distiller’s dried grain –Risk Profiles of »Salmonella in cereal crops »In ethnic foods & high lipid foods »In animal feedstuff –Information gathering on rendered product –Literature review on penetration of salmonella on egg shells and growth during storage Risk management –Bobby calf process hygiene reviewed and expanded (meat hygiene) –Bobby calf decontamination studies (use of interventions, meat hygiene)
9 Review of progress over 2 years 1.Key regulator/industry dialogue and actions through RMP, ACVM, NMD and industry participation in research projects. 2.Little progress with identification of key attributable foods or food pathways. 3.Results: No significant increases in notifications. Many sources to focus on. More consistent industry good operating practice has improved outcomes.
Risk management activities Research: Source attribution continuing Scientific evaluation: –Water and natural fertilisers –Storage of eggs –In and on eggs –Salmonella in poultry –Ready-to-eat poultry meat –fresh-cut fruit salads, and seed sprouts Imported foods –Fresh poultry and duck meat – food safety risk assessment –Pork meat Guidance –Safe cooking for poultry meat
11 Regulatory control measures in 2012 Systems audits »Secondary meat processors Monitoring »NMD cattle, bobby calves, goats, deer, large birds, poultry »Uncommon types – in livestock, feeds and other Review »Spikes in bobby calf, adult beef, goat, deer and poultry NMD results »Integrate human health/ animal health/environmental /food type information International collaboration ISC working group to identify Salmonella control measures to reduce illness associated with eggs
12 Human cases (by month)
13 MPI performance target – 5 years (provisional)
14 MPI Strategy – where to next? Maintain current Strategy for 2013 – 2014: –aspirational goal of 30% reduction in human foodborne cases, and –the performance target for poultry broiler carcasses of 0.48% Review after twelve months
15 Animal Feeds Review -Animal Feeds are a critical input into primary industry -Provide a direct exposure pathway -Risks present across multiple areas (bio, chem, trade, security, safety) -Amalgamation of MPI Systems – disjointed -Multiple regulations, programmes and interfaces
16 Animal Feeds Review Current Controls: Biosecurity (Meat and Food Waste for Pigs) Ruminant Protein Regulations Hydatids Controlled Area Import Health Standards ACVM Regulations for ONCs APA Risk Management Programmes.
17 Animal Feeds Review To develop a comprehensive and integrated risk management programme for the animal feeds sector: All of sector All hazards approach Intervention logic (what and why) Existing and new regulatory controls (effective) Compliance and enforcement strategies.
18 Objectives To determine the existing gaps/issues/overlaps Objectives of legislation met Review in partnership with industry Alignment MPI strategies and initiatives
19 Milestones Current State Analysis – Year 1 Stakeholder wants/needs analysis – Year 1 Strategy development – Year 1 and 2 Implementation Programme – Year 2 and 3
20 Actions to Date Project Plan – being finalised Project Team Road Map Hazards analysis Stakeholder Survey
21 Expectations No significant change in regulations Improved clarity of requirements Better web pages Better reputation Better consistency
22 Codex Task Force Animal Feeds Aim to establish guidelines to apply Codex risk assessment methodologies for animal feeds and feed additives Develop a prioritized list of hazards in feed ingredients and feed additives
23 Codex Task Force Animal Feeds Guidelines on application of risk assessment for feed Guidance for use by Governments in prioritizing their national feed hazards.
24 Codex Risk Assessment Risk analysis framework – risk management, risk assessment, risk communication Potential risk to human health Local conditions International comparability
25 Codex Prioritizing Hazards Optimising allocation of resources Multi-criteria analysis approach Adverse human health Excludes direct human exposure Salmonella, mycotoxins, dioxins, etc.
26 Questions?