An Investigation into the Effects of Opening a Cardiac Centre in Middlesbrough Neil Macknight Senior Information Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

An Investigation into the Effects of Opening a Cardiac Centre in Middlesbrough Neil Macknight Senior Information Manager

Background Pre Cardiac Centre at Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Perceived geographical bias for specialised cardiac treatment Additional Cardiac Centre opened in Middlesbrough What was the impact of the opening of the Middlesbrough cardiac centre on Revascularisation rates?

Numerator- HES Data for Revasc Procedures Proxy indicator for need- HES Admissions for IHD Proxy indicator for need- Deaths from IHD Population Data: PROBLEMS Methodology

Before opening Middlesbrough Cardiac Centre MI admissions in to revascs (sq rt) Revascularisations in to (sq rt) Middlesbrough Gateshead Sunderland Newcastle North Tyneside Blyth Valley Castle Morpeth Redcar & Cleveland

After opening Middlesbrough Cardiac Centre MI admissions in to revascs (sq rt) Revascularisations in to (sq rt) Redcar & Cleveland South Tyneside Sunderland Hartlepool Middlesbrough Darlington Berwick Tynedale Chester-le-Street Durham


Rate of revascularisations per 100 MI admissions Deprivation quintile 1 Deprivation quintile 2 Deprivation quintile 3 Deprivation quintile 4 Deprivation quintile 5 Deprivation

Revascularisation Provision 2005/06 (Provisional HES Data)

Patient Flow 2005/06 (Provisional HES Data)

Next Steps Journal Paper Drive time analysis What next?