Садовская Ю.А. 238-731-483. Columbus Day is celebrated in the United States to honour Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to America in 1492. Садовская.


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Presentation transcript:

Садовская Ю.А

Columbus Day is celebrated in the United States to honour Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to America in Садовская Ю.А

The President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32 nd President of the USA from 1933 to 1945, proclaimed the twelfth of October Columbus Day in 1937.

Richard Milhous Nixon, the 37th President of the United States from 1969 to 1974, in 1971 declared Columbus Day a national holiday to be observed on the second Monday of October. Садовская Ю.А

Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Садовская Ю.А

Columbus's coat of armscoat of arms

He had three ships: Садовская Ю.А

The Santa Maria Садовская Ю.А

The Nina Садовская Ю.А

The Pinta Садовская Ю.А

And left from Spain. Садовская Ю.А

On the evening of the third of August in 1492 Columbus departed from Palos de la Frontera.Palos de la Frontera Садовская Ю.А

He sailed through sunshine, Садовская Ю.А

wind and rain. Садовская Ю.А

He sailed through whales Садовская Ю.А

and sharks. Садовская Ю.А

He sailed by night; Садовская Ю.А

he sailed by day; Садовская Ю.А

He used the stars to find his way. Садовская Ю.А

A compass also helped him to know how to find the way to go. Садовская Ю.А

Day after day the crew looked for land. Садовская Ю.А

On the twelfth of October their dream came true. Садовская Ю.А

“Indians!” Columbus cried. Садовская Ю.А

But “India” the land was not. It was the Bahamas and it was hot. Садовская Ю.А

They gave the sailors food Садовская Ю.А

and spice. Садовская Ю.А

Columbus sailed on to find some GOLD Садовская Ю.А

to bring back home as he had been told Садовская Ю.А

trading GOLD to bring to Spain. Садовская Ю.А

Columbus was brave and he was bright! Садовская Ю.А

The Columbus Citizens Foundation has been organizing New York's Columbus Day Parade since Садовская Ю.А