Ways to Write Numbers
Numbers can be written in the following ways: standard form expanded form word form short word form
Ways to Write Numbers standard form 45,697
Ways to Write Numbers word form forty-five thousand six hundred ninety-seven 45,697
Ways to Write Numbers short word form 45,697 forty-five thousand six hundred ninety-seven
Ways to Write Numbers short word form 45,697 forty-five thousand six hundred ninety-seven 45
Ways to Write Numbers short word form 45,697 forty-five thousand six hundred ninety-seven 45 thousand
Ways to Write Numbers short word form 45,697 forty-five thousand six hundred ninety-seven 45thousand697
Ways to Write Numbers expanded form 40, , ,697
Ways to Write Numbers 40, ,697
Ways to Write Numbers 40, ,697 5,000 +
Ways to Write Numbers 40, ,697 5,
Ways to Write Numbers 40, ,69745,697 5,
Ways to Write Numbers 40, ,69745,697 5,
Your Turn Write the following number in word form. 34,231
Your Turn Write the following number in word form. 34,231 thirty-four thousand two hundred thirty-one
Your Turn Write the following number in short word form. 67,339
Your Turn Write the following number in short word form. 67, thousand 339
Your Turn Write the following number in expanded form. 89,321 80, ,
Your Turn Write the following number in standard form. 92,317 ninety-two thousand three hundred seventeen
Your Turn Write the following number in word form. fifty-five thousand six hundred two 55,602
Your Turn Write the following number in expanded form. 80, , ,300
Your Turn Write the following number in expanded form. 100, , , ,329
Your Turn Write the following number in word form. two hundred nine thousand five hundred six 209,506
Your Turn Write the following number in short word form. 965 thousand ,348
Your Turn Write the following number in expanded form. 700, , , ,677