Ryan MacDowell Marko Popović
Currently it takes too much time and effort to understand how, where, and when people spend their money Create a web application that can be used by both the bank and customers in order to better understand spending A web based application is accessible by mobile devices such as the iphone Provide a tool that can be a financial assistant to customers Provide easy fraud detection by through displaying transactions by location
Load a set of transaction data into Google Maps and display them by location using markers Provide an animation utility that displays each transaction based on their location, how large the transaction, the type of transaction and the order in which the transactions occurred Demo Demo
Dealing with the limitations of the Google Maps and Google Earth API Providing the functionality in a website
Provide functionality for the bank to view multiple users at once, compare them and show aggregate spending Categorize transactions and display them as different colors Automate matching store locations to their address for geocoding