Intimacy How close are you to other people? Today we’ll see that God wants us to be intimate.


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Presentation transcript:


How close are you to other people?

Today we’ll see that God wants us to be intimate.

Intimacy was designed by God.

Gen 1:26 – Let us make man in Our image… Gen 2:21-24 – They shall become one flesh

Go to God with closeness.

Intimacy reveals emotions.

Psalm 100:1-2 – Make a joyful noise to the Lord Song of Sol 3:16 – My beloved is mine, and I am his

Psalm 102:3-5 – My heart is struck down Song of Sol 8:6-7 – Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.

God to God with your joy and pain.

Intimacy is not just about you.

Philippians 2:2-4 – look…to the interests of others. Hebrews 12:2 – for the joy…endured the cross.

Get to God in selflessness.

Intimacy was designed by God, it reveals deep emotions, and it’s not just about you.

INTIMACY IN EVERYDAY LIFE What does it look like to grow closer to someone?


THE CHALLENGE Connect with God on a personal level Be open and honest with Him Be selfless.