Political parties and interest groups practice FRQ


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Presentation transcript:

Political parties and interest groups practice FRQ

Verb definitions Define – write a good, thorough definition Identify – name…whatever Describe – a little bit more than a definition; a definition + some Explain – answer the question how or why; explanations should thoroughly explain the answer;

Political parties and interest groups play a very important role in the political process in the U.S. Identify the primary difference between political parties and interest groups in the United States. Explain two ways in which political parties are able to influence public policy in the United States. Explain two ways in which interest groups are able to influence public policy in the United States. Define incumbent. Explain why incumbents are the most common recipients of campaign contributions.

Parties run candidates in elections and interest groups don’t. Answers must answer the question “How do political parties influence public policy?” Possible answers: winning elections to increase #s in Congress, Mobilize voters to vote for their candidates keeping members of Congress voting together, controlling leadership in Congress, President selects federal judges and SC justices, Pres. controls foreign policy (1 pt. for each explanation) Answers must answer the question “How do interest groups influence public policy?” Possible answers: lobbying, hosting rallies, litigation, amicus curiae campaign contributions, grassroots mobilization, running ads for favored candidates, Answers must explain the process. (1 pt. for each explanation) Incumbent – member of government running for reelection. Answer must answer the question “Why are incumbents the most common recipients of campaign contributions?” Incumbents win reelection 90% of the time. Because they’re likely to win, PACs and individuals are more likely to contribute $ to incumbents.