There are 50 types of biology Can you define some? Zoology Botany Anatomy Microbiology Ecology Entomology Pathology Virology Oncology.


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Presentation transcript:

There are 50 types of biology Can you define some? Zoology Botany Anatomy Microbiology Ecology Entomology Pathology Virology Oncology

Defined Zoology – Study of animals Botany – Study of plants Anatomy – Study of body parts Microbiology – Study of the organism Ecology – Study of relationships Entomology – Study of insects Pathology – Study of disease Virology – Study of virus Oncology – Study of cancer

What is Science?

Science is lots of things

Some Word Definitions Knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study Knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world

ooooo…ahhhhhh Oh no….Scientific Method…”What is that?”

Scientific Method Scientific method refers to a body of techniques for investigating ideas, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge

Scientific Inquiry Process of gathering information and explaining observations Attempts to find relationships Vital Definitions Variable – Any condition that changes the outcome of a scientific inquiry Independent Variable – Something that you and I change Dependent Variable – Changes in response to change in Independent Variable

Types of Scientific Inquiry Controlled Experiment …we purposefully change the Independent Variable to discover, if any, change will occur with Dependent Variable. YOU control the change. Observational Study …we watch and record to gather information to answer a question

What type of inquiry is shown?