Numbers Percentage of a number
Numbers We will often be asked to work out the percentage of an amount without using a calculator
We can be clever about this to make it easy for ourselves… Numbers We can be clever about this to make it easy for ourselves…
We know that percent means out of 100. Numbers We know that percent means out of 100. 1% means 1 out of 100 1% of 100 = 1
Numbers 10% of 100 = 10 So if we can work out 1% of any number, we can multiply this by the percent we need to find
Numbers If 1% of 100 is 1 1% of 200 must be 2 1% of 150 must be 1.5 How are we doing this?
We are dividing our amount by 100 1% of 750 = 750 ÷ 100 = 7.5 Numbers We are dividing our amount by 100 1% of 750 = 750 ÷ 100 = 7.5
If we know 1% of 750 is 7.5 then 2% of 750 must be 2 x 7.5 = 15 Numbers If we know 1% of 750 is 7.5 then 2% of 750 must be 2 x 7.5 = 15
Numbers What is 5% of 250? 1% of 250 is 2.5 5 x 2.5 is 12.5
Numbers It is going to take some doing to remember all of this, so lets start by getting used to working out 1% of some numbers