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Fractions, Decimals & Percentages

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Presentation on theme: "Fractions, Decimals & Percentages"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
Do answers on board Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Fraction to decimal Fraction to percentage Percentage to decimal Percentage to fraction Decimal to percentage Decimal to fraction Divide Divide then multiply by 100 Divide by 100 then = Place % over 100 Multiply by 100 Change to a % first, then place over 100. 48% 7% 0.65 0.14

2 Write these fractions as decimals: a) 4/5 b) 6/10
c) 3/8 d) ¾ Write these fractions as percentages: a) 3/10 b) 5/20 c)3/5 d) 5/8 e) 3/15 Write these decimals as percentages: a) b) c) d) 0.4 e) f) 0.015 Write these decimals as fractions: a) b) 0.23 c) d) e) 0.1 Write these percentages as decimals: a) 60% b) 79% c) 4% d) 25% e) 100% f) 2.5% g) 32% Write these percentages as fractions; a) 56% b) 3% c) 95% d) 61% e) 8% f) 27%

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