MetaLib Updates London, February 2003 Tamar Sadeh MetaLib Updates London, February 2003 Tamar Sadeh


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Presentation transcript:

MetaLib Updates London, February 2003 Tamar Sadeh MetaLib Updates London, February 2003 Tamar Sadeh

Agenda MetaLib revision 2.12 Time table Quick Search New resources Citation format e-Journals in MetaLib Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 MetaLib usability study

MetaLib 2.12: Time Table Release: February 2003 Installations: beginning of March, 2003 Upgrades: mid March, 2003

Quick Search Simple, Google- like search box Searching all words Pre-configured resource list, per institution, division, and user group

New Resources Link to a list of new resources New resources are set for a time period Lists are configured per institution, division, and user group

Citation Format Optional Brief Display in a citation format Setup per institution and division

Agenda MetaLib revision 2.12 Time table Quick Search New resources Citation format e-Journals in MetaLib Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 MetaLib usability study

Phase 1: e-Journals in MetaLib version 2 Active e-journals are loaded from the SFX KnowledgeBase e-Journal Browser and e-Journal Locator My e-Journal List Link to e-journals or SFX services per e-journal Links are always via SFX

Phase 2: E-Journal in MetaLib version 3 e-Journal titles (SFX version 2) Optional enhancement service

Phase 2: Full Records (optional) MARC record describing the e-journal

Phase 2: e-Journal Locator Users can locate e-journals by title, ISSN, e-ISSN, and subject (optional)

Phase 3: Plans for the Future Enhancement of the e-journal repository using other sources, such as the library OPAC Issues involved: Central KnowledgeBase, updates, consistency…

Agenda MetaLib revision 2.12 Time table Quick Search New resources Citation format e-Journals in MetaLib Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 MetaLib usability study

MetaLib Usability Study: Preparing Version 3 The usability study is conducted by Ezra Schwartz, director of interface design Main issues: Citation format for the brief record display Initial result lists per resource or in a consolidated list Presentation of resources; selection of resources Differentiation between resources, e-journals, and (in the future) digital repositories

MetaLib Updates London, February 2003 Tamar Sadeh MetaLib Updates London, February 2003 Tamar Sadeh