Introduction to Chapter 4 Ilaria DiMatteo UNSD 6 th Oslo Group Meeting 2-5 May 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Chapter 4 Ilaria DiMatteo UNSD 6 th Oslo Group Meeting 2-5 May 2011

Chapter 4 – Data sources and data collection 1) Practical guidance for a country to identify the relevant and appropriate data sources for the different data items of chapter 6 of IRES For example, Production data – Imports/exports –  direct surveys (sample/census)  Secondary sources (energy agencies/ministries)  Administrative data  Direct surveys  Secondary data (custom)

Consumption data 2) Guidance on the data compilation (editing, imputation, estimation of missing data, etc.) 3) Guidance on the adjustments needed for the compilation of the energy accounts  direct surveys on the consumers (e.g. households surveys)  Surveys on the suppliers  Administrative data

How to present the information? By Section of SIEC (e.g. Coal, natural gas, Oil, electricity and heat, etc.)? For each SIEC section, a physical description of the main processes of the products would be presented and the relevant data sources for types of data items (production/transformation, trade, stocks, bunkers, consumption) could be discussed. By transactions? E.g. production, trade, stocks bunkers

Example in the UN manual F 56  Electricity A. Production/generation B. Primary generation of electricity C. Secondary generation of electricity D. Exports and imports of electricity C. Availability and supply of electricity D. Losses in transmission and distribution E. Consumption of electricity by end-users F. Preparatory work for the collection of regular electricity statistics Similar for Coal, Oil, Natural gas, etc.

 We should not forget also the other data items in chapter 6 of IRES:  Infrastructure (e.g., capacity)  Monetary data items (e.g., prices, taxes, subsidies, output, etc.)  Energy resources (e.g., opening and closing stocks) When these data items are collected as part of other statistical domain, we could make reference the relevant guidelines

Thank you!