Implementing Assessment Change A Conference for School Leaders November 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing Assessment Change A Conference for School Leaders November 2007

Leading Learning 1November 2005 Leading Learning 2April/May 2006 Curriculum Leader Day 1September/October 2006 Curriculum Leader Day 2November/December 2006 Area of Learning Day 1February/April 2007 Leading Learning 3September 2007 Curriculum Leader Day 3October 2007 …… CCEA Principals Assessment ConferencesNovember 2007 Area of Learning Day 2February – April 2008 Co-ordinating the Assessment and Reporting of the Cross Curricular SkillsApril 2008

Pupil Learning & Achieveme nt

Intended Learning Outcomes By the end of the conference school leaders will: understand the legislative framework that underpins the assessment arrangements; begin to consider the implications of the revised assessment arrangements for their schools; understand the need to integrate implementation arrangements for assessment into School Development Plans/action plans.

Overview of the Day Session 1Welcome and Introduction Session 2The Legislation Part 1 - Legislative Requirements Part 2 - Acquiring and Developing the Skills and Capabilities Session 3Assessing the Cross-Curricular Skills Part 1 - Meeting the Requirements Part 2 - Planning for Assessment: Case Studies Session 4Supporting Assessment Practice and Arrangements Session 5 Planning and Plenary

Session 2 The Legislation Part 1: Legislative Requirements for Key Stage 3 Assessment

Legislative Requirements The Education (NI) Order 2006 Article 9: Assessment 9(1) The curriculum for every grant-aided school shall require each pupil in each key stage at the school to be assessed in each school year in accordance with such assessment arrangements as are specified in relation to that pupil and that key stage under paragraph (2). (2) The Department may by order specify, in relation to – (a) an area of learning; (b) a cross-curricular skill; and (c) any other skill specified under Article 8(1)(b), such assessment arrangements as it considers appropriate for pupils in each key stage.

Legislative Requirements The Education (NI) Order 2006 Article 8: Skills (2) The cross-curricular skills are- (a) communication; (b) using mathematics; (c) using information and communications technology.

The Education (Assessment Arrangements) (Foundation to Key Stage 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007 Article 5 2) The cross-curricular skills of pupils in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 shall be assessed by the end of the school year with reference to levels of progression, specified by an order made by the Department under Article 8(3) of the 2006 Order. (

DE Circular The revised curriculum… has literacy and numeracy at its core. The curriculum provides for a broad and balanced education and focuses on developing skills as well as teaching content… Circular Number 2007/11

Changing Emphasis in the Statutory Requirements FromTo Detailed programmes of study and attainment targets End of Key Stage assessment in English (Irish), Mathematics and Science: - teacher assessment - use of assessment units (optional) - external tests Levels of Attainment in English, Mathematics and Science Annual Report Minimum content (i.e. statements of requirement), including learning outcomes Teacher assessment by end of each year (Years 8, 9, 10) in: - area of learning - cross-curricular skills - other skills (Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities) Choice of assessment types integrated into teaching and learning Levels of Progression in Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT Annual Pupil Profile Report

Implementation Schedule 07/0808/0909/10 Year 8 Northern Ireland Curriculum statutory Pupil Profile statutory Northern Ireland Curriculum statutory Pupil Profile statutory Assessment with reference to Levels of Progression (CCS) Year 9 Northern Ireland Curriculum statutory Pupil Profile statutory Northern Ireland Curriculum statutory Pupil Profile statutory Assessment with reference to Levels of Progression (CCS) Year 10 Northern Ireland Curriculum statutory Pupil Profile statutory Assessment with reference to Levels of Progression (CCS)

Reporting Using the Pupil Profile Pupil Profile – statutory in 2008/09, Year 8 and 9 Reporting aligned with teaching, learning and assessment Capita Profiles 7

Reflection Who needs to know? How will you let them know? When? What are the implications of this timescale? What is the level of awareness in your school? What is the likely impact on your current assessment policy? What is the likely impact on your school development planning? How can you ensure that your teachers understand the legislative requirements?

Session 2 The Legislation Part 2: Acquiring and Developing the Skills and Capabilities

Legislative Requirements: Skills and Capabilities The Education (NI) Order 2006 Article 8: Skills The curriculum for a grant-aided school must ensure, wholly or mainly through the teaching of the minimum content of areas of learning and religious education, the acquisition and development by pupils of- (1) the cross-curricular skills (a) communication (b) using mathematics (c) using information and communications technology. (2) any other skills specified under Article 8(1)(b).

The other skills at Key Stage 3 and capabilities>thinking skills and personal capabilities

Where are the Skills and Capabilities in the Curriculum?

Learning Outcomes and Skills and Capabilities Research and manage information effectively … including Using Mathematics and Using ICT where appropriate Managing Information Using Mathematics Using ICT Show deeper understanding by thinking critically and flexibly, solving problems and making informed decisions, including Using Mathematics and Using ICT Thinking, Problem- Solving, Decision-Making Using Mathematics Using ICT Demonstrate creativity and initiative when developing ideas and following them through Being Creative Work effectively with othersWorking with Others Demonstrate self management by working systematically, persisting with tasks, evaluating and improving own performance Self-Management Communicate effectively in oral, visual, written, (mathematical) and ICT formats, showing clear awareness of audience and purpose Communication Using Mathematics Using ICT

Acquisition Development Promoting Demonstrating Applying Transferring Assessment for Learning

Implications for Learning and Teaching ALL subjects have a statutory responsibility to help pupils acquire and develop skills Ongoing part of classroom activity Infused into the context of the subject Formative assessment (assessment for learning) Need for planning

Reflection How will you ensure that the statutory requirements for skills and capabilities are embedded in on-going practice? What are the key messages all teachers need to know about acquisition and development of skills and capabilities? Who will be involved in planning and tracking the acquisition and development of skills and capabilities to ensure a coherent experience for your pupils? How will you identify, promote and monitor effective practice in the acquisition and development of skills and capabilities? What is the likely impact on your school development planning?

Session 3 Assessing the Cross-Curricular Skills Part 1: Meeting the Requirements

Assessment Reporting Acquisition Development Promoting Demonstrating Applying Transferring

Legislative Requirements (Education Order, 2006) each pupil in each key stage… to be assessed in each school year… in each cross-curricular skill, with reference to the levels of progression. Proposal Assessment evidence for each of the cross-curricular skills should be drawn from at least two areas of learning across the key stage.

Possible Models: Example 1 Year 8Year 9Year 10 CommunicationEnglish with Media Education HistoryEnglish with Media Education Using Mathematics Mathematics with Financial Capability ScienceMathematics with Financial Capability Using ICTArt & Design Geography Modern Languages Home Economics Technology & Design Employability

Possible Models: Example 2 Year 8Year 9Year 10 CommunicationPersonal Development Music English with Media Education History Drama Using Mathematics Technology & Design PE Science Geography Mathematics with Financial Capability Using ICTArt & Design Citizenship Modern Languages Home Economics RE Employability

Assessment of the Cross-Curricular Skills Flexibility in: Areas of Learning contributing Range of assessment activities and tools Number of assessments Timing

Legislative Requirements The Education (Assessment Arrangements) (Foundation to Key Stage 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007 Article 5 2) The cross-curricular skills of pupils in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 shall be assessed by the end of the school year with reference to levels of progression, specified by an order made by the Department under Article 8(3) of the 2006 Order.

Levels of Progression: Draft Format Levels of Progression for: - Communication; - Using Mathematics; and - Using ICT Competence based - Pupils can Development process to date

Levels of Progression

Mapping of Skills NI Levels of Progression National Qualifications Framework Level 1Entry level 1 Level 2Entry level 2 Level 3Entry level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 1 Level 6 Level 7 Level 2

Guidance and Support Materials Assessing the Cross-Curricular Skills: Draft Guidance for Teachers Initial guidance and recommendations Nine exemplar tasks - three per skill area Purpose of the tasks - Exemplar - Generic - Acquisition and development - Assessment Draft Levels of Progression

Part 2 Planning for Assessment: Case Studies Session 3 Assessing the Cross-Curricular Skills

Case Studies 1: Planning for Assessment

These three schools have described their experience of the process of planning for assessment. What can we learn from their experience? What are the possible implications for our schools?

Case Studies 2

Reflection How can you prepare for assessing the cross-curricular skills using levels of progression? What are the key messages all teachers need to know about the assessment of the cross-curricular skills? Who will be involved in planning and coordinating the assessment of cross- curricular skills? Who will be involved in assessing cross-curricular skills? How will you identify, promote and monitor effective practice in the assessment of the cross-curricular skills? What is the likely impact on your school development planning?

Session 4 Supporting Assessment Practice and Arrangements

Assessment Support Programme: -Skills acquisition and development; -Skills assessment; -Coordination, monitoring and quality assurance. Guidance: - Exemplar tasks; - Exemplification of standards. Moderation and standards support

Reflection How can you prepare for quality assurance of school assessment processes and procedures? Consider …. -continuing professional development -engagement and ownership of the process -understanding and agreeing the standards -internal communications -monitoring and evaluating the process -implications for school development planning and assessment policy