XML Database Integration for Visualizing US Election Results Isabel F. Cruz, Afsheen Rajendran, and William Sunna University of Illinois at Chicago


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Presentation transcript:

XML Database Integration for Visualizing US Election Results Isabel F. Cruz, Afsheen Rajendran, and William Sunna University of Illinois at Chicago This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under award EIA

Introduction Framework for geospatial data visualization Integrates XML data from multiple sources Application scenario: 2000 U.S. Presidential Election Results

System Design Results Browser XML Database results Geospatial Authority Declarative Lookup query Java API

Geospatial Authority DTD <!ATTLIST municipality name CDATA #REQUIRED> Created by Domain Specialist

Wisconsin Election Results DTD Wisconsin name municipalityname 1 candidate name votes 1 1 n n n wardgroup 1 n state countyname Created by each State <!ATTLIST state name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST county name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST municipality name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST wardgroup name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST candidate name CDATA #REQUIRED votes CDATA #REQUIRED>

Transformations between Databases Transformation WI::County WI::Municipality WI::Wardgroup WI::Candidate name votesname IL::County IL::Candidate name votesname Auth::State Auth::County Auth::Municipality name Geospatial Authority

Inter-document Transformations Transformations between each state and the authority A transformation is also an XML document Transformations are declarative Adding a state implies changing only the corresponding lookup file - it does not change the extensive program that parses and executes the lookups!

Transformation fragment Municipality $county_name parent::county/attribute::name $municipality_name attribute::name /child::state[attribute::name="$state_name"] /child::county[attribute::name="$county_name"] /child::municipality[attribute::name="$municipality_name"] /child::*

Query Interface

User Study Map Visibility Very Good 6% Good 64% Poor 24% Very Poor 6% Terminology Very Precise 24% Precise 76% Ambiguous 0% Very Ambiguous 0% Using Left Frame Very Trivial 53% Trivial 41% Confusing 6% Very Confusing 0% Comparison of States Very Useful 24% Useful 65% Not Useful 11% Use Of Colors Very Good 53% Good 47% Poor 0% Very Poor 0% Arrangement of Information Very Logical 18% Logical 82% Illogical 0% Very Illogical 0% Recommendation Highly Recommended 27% Recommended 67% Not Recommended 6% The average rating for the interface was 7.3 on a scale of 10 Sample size = 17

Current Work Visual tool to analyze and link document types I. F. Cruz, A. Rajendran, and W. Sunna “Handling Semantic Heterogeneities using Declarative Agreements”. Technical Report University of Illinois at Chicago, May 2002

References N. Wiegand, I. F. Cruz, and S. J. Ventura. Digital Government: Integrating Metadata Development, XML, and DBMS Search and Query Techniques in a State of Wisconsin Land Information System, Technical Report - University of Wisconsin- Madison and University of Illinois at Chicago. P. Calnan and I. F. Cruz. Object Interoperability for Geospatial Applications. In Proceedings of the First Semantic Web Working Symposium, pages , Stanford, CA, I. F. Cruz and P. Calnan. Object Interoperability for Geospatial Applications. In book: The Emerging Semantic Web, OIS Press 2002.