人教修订版 高三英语(上) Unit 3 The land down under 人教修订版 高三英语(上) Unit 3 The land down under.


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Presentation transcript:

人教修订版 高三英语(上) Unit 3 The land down under 人教修订版 高三英语(上) Unit 3 The land down under

flag emblem

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross We'll toil with hearts and hands; To make this Commonwealth of ours renowned of all the lands; For those who've come across the seas We've boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine To Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair. 在南十字星座灿烂的星 光下, 我们用自己的 心和双手辛勤地劳作, 为了将我们的联邦 建 设得举世闻名; 对那 些远涉重洋到来的人们 我们有无尽的土地来分 享;鼓起勇气,让我们 一起 推动美丽的澳大 利亚前进。 让我们快 乐地歌唱,《前进,美 丽的澳大利亚》! 从 1984 年 4 月 19 日起正 式成为澳大利亚国歌)

Unit3 The land down under How do you understand the title? What does the title mean?

Unit3 The land down under “down under”means in Australia

Can you say something about the following pictures? The National emblem of Australia The National Flag Of Australia

What does the national flag stand for? Southern Cross UK flag Six of the points represent the six states and the other represents all the territories. Six of the points represent the six states and the other represents all the territories. ( 联邦区域) 南十字星座)

Can you describe it? It includes the UK flag and a large star and some small stars. From the flag, we can learn it was once a colony of England. The stars have seven points except the smallest one which has only five points. The large star has six of the points standing for six states of Australia and the seventh for all the territories. The five stars represent the Southern Cross in the southern sky that can be used to find the South Pole.

澳大利亚国旗于 1901 年 9 月 3 日首次在墨尔 本上空飘扬。有关国旗的设计竞赛吸引了 名设计者参赛。国旗上的南十字星座 代表了澳大利亚在南半球的地理位置,而 那颗大型联邦之星则象征了各州和地区组 成的联邦。

澳大利亚国徽于 1912 年获英王乔治五世批 准。它含有一个由澳大利亚六个州的徽章 组成的盾形徽章,象征着澳大利亚联邦。 国徽图案还包括金合欢树、袋鼠和鸸鹋等 澳大利亚的象征。就通俗传统而言,金合 欢树、袋鼠和鸸鹋是人们广为接受的澳大 利亚植物、动物和鸟类标志。

When we talk about a country, what do you want to know? country history area climate capital population location resources

Tick the following that are mentioned in the passage 1. the size of Australia 2. the location of Australia 3. the time when it was founded. 4. its language 5. the life of Aborigines 6. its post war situation 7. the history of the country 8. the history of its national flag 9. the first settlers of Australia 10. the reason for sending prisoners


Match the following by scanning the text: In 1770 Captain James Cook claimed the east coast of the continent for the British Crown. Over the next 80 years About 160,000 prisoners were sent to Australia. In 1901 The Commonwealth of Australia was formed. In the 1930s The country suffered from the Great Depression years ago The first people came to the continent.

1. Canberra is located between Sydney and Melbourne. 2. The Aborigines first came to the continent and created complex societies. 3. Among the Europeans, the British ships first arrived in the north and west coasts and Tasmania. 4. In 1902, Aborigines and other non- Europeans enjoyed the same rights. 5. “No worries” in Australia means “Everything will be OK.” Aborigines and Torres strait Islanders Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch In 1901 did not enjoy

Careful reading Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words

composition states and territories location ________ by oceans :___________ In the west, _________ in the south, __________________In the northeast flag Shows the UK flag and a large star with 7 points: 6 of the points _______ The states and the seventh ________ all the territories. The other stars_________________________ First Australian European explorers 6 2 surrounded the Indian Ocean the Southern Ocean the Pacific Ocean represent stand for reprsent the southern cross The Aborigines and Torres strait Islanders Spanish,Portuguese, Dutch and British

Birth of Australia __________________ _______________ was formed in 1901 World war’s effects After the First World War, the Country experienced social and economic _______ and suffered from ___________________ of the 1930s. After the Second World War, Australia began to _________ itself ______ the modern country itself The commonwealth of Australia unrest the Great Depression transforminto

Before the nation was found 50,000years ago In the 17 th century In 1770 In 1788 In the next 80years Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders came European explorers arrived Spanish ;Portuguese,Dutch,British Captain Cook claimed….for the BritishCrown. The first fleet of 11 ships arrived 160,000prisoners were sent A nation of prisoners

After the nation was found In 1901The nation was formed After the 1 st world war After the 2nd world war In the late 1960s Experienced social and economic Unrest Suffered from the Great Depression of the 1930s transform itself into the modern country People from 200 countries move passed laws to strengthen the rights of … the Aborigines; Torres Strait Islanders,Spanish; Portuguese and Dutch other countries

Choose the best answer according to the passage

1. Before the American War of Independence, where did England send their prisoners? A. Australia B. North America C. Siberia D. Hawaii 2. What’s the result of the arrival of the European settlers? A. Ecosystems were disturbed B. The way in which land was conducted C. The original Australians suffered a lot and had their land taken D. All the above.

3. The UK flag on the left corner of the Australian flag shows ______. A.Australia used to be the colony of the Great Britain. A. the traditional relationship between the two countries. A. once Australia was governed by UK.

3. 4. When did people largely move to Australia? A. the Great Depression of the 1930s B. in the Second World War C. in the 1950s after the Second World War D. in the late 1960s What sport is impossible in Australia? A. Skiing.B. Swimming. C. Tennis.D. Basketball.

A. great influence B. little influence C. no influence D. no effect 5.According to the text, Asian countries have _________ on Australia culture.

6. The first settlers in Australia were __. A.the prisoners sent by England. B. the people who came for the gold rush. C. the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.

7. Australian English is different from British and American English _______. A. in pronunciation B. in some of the vocabulary C. in the way they express some things

8. The commonwealth of Australia was formed ______. A. so all men would be free and equal, and have equal rights. B.but Aborigines did not enjoy the same rights. C. a society made up of diverse peoples came into being.

9. From the national flag of Australia, we can know________. A. there are 5 states altogether in Australia B. people of Australia like American society C. people of Australia think they have something to do with the English people D. Australia suffered from immigration

10 From the text we can infer Australia came into being _____ the continent began to exist. A. long before B. long after C. at.the same time when D. shortly after

The Birth Of A Nation It was in _____ early twentieth century _____ Australia was similar to / _________ America of the 18 th century. The commonwealth of Australia _____ into being in1901. Though the government stated that men were free and equal, yet Aborigines and Torres Strait islanders didn’t ______ the same rights ___ others. It would be many years ______ they were respected. ( 已遭受 ) __________________ social and economic unrest and the Great Depression, Australia _________ itself into the modern country after the Second World War. There was no doubt _____ the developed Australia _________ from immigration. Meanwhile, laws have been passed to _________ (加强) Aborigines’ rights and to improve their _____ conditions. thethat resembled came enjoyas before Having suffered from transformed that benefited strengthen living Filling in the blanks

Read Para 1 1. 澳大利亚掠影 2. 由六个州和两 个区组成 3. 澳大利亚首都区 4. 一个位于悉尼和墨 尔本之间的城市 5. 土著居民和托雷斯 海峡 的岛上居民 6. 一颗七个角的星 7.. 被...所环绕 8. 代表 The portrait of a nation be made up of six states and two territories Australian Capital Territory a city located between Sydney and Melbourne Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders a star with 7 points be surroundedby/with stand for=represent

Para 2 9. 创造了复杂的社会关系 10. 与..相似 11. 过着与他们的祖先相同的生活方式 create complex societies be similar to … live in a similar way to their ancestors 12 。年轻的国家 13 ,在古老的大陆 上 14 接受当今澳大利 亚人的 生活方式 a young nation On a ancient contient live in the same way as one’s fellow Australians

Paragraph 声称某物归某人所有 16. 一支十一艘船的舰队 17. 结果 claim sth for sb a fleet of 11 ships 18. 声称这块大 陆的东海岸属 于不列颠王国 claim the east coast of the continent for the British Crown as a consequence=in consequence =as a result 19. 改变土地经 营方式 20. 对澳大利亚 的生态系统有害 change the way land was managed be harmful to the Australian ecosystems

Paragraph 4/5 23. 一个多元化的社会 24. 对什么有强烈的影响 25. 遭受大萧条 26. 把 … 变成 27. 得益 28. 对 … 的态度 29. 改善生活条件 a diverse society have a…influence on suffer from the Great Depression transform …into… benefit from attitude towards/to sb improve living conditions 21. 澳大利亚联邦 22. 与 18 世纪的 美国很相似 the Commonwealth of Australia resemble the USA of the 18th century