Spanish Agricultural Statistical System 1 1 ST AMIS-Med meeting (Mediterranean network on agricultural market information) París, February 2014 Paloma.


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Presentation transcript:

Spanish Agricultural Statistical System 1 1 ST AMIS-Med meeting (Mediterranean network on agricultural market information) París, February 2014 Paloma Seoane Spiegelberg Statistics Deputy Director

THE STATISTICAL ORGANISATION IN SPAIN Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment – Sub-directorate General of Statistics 2

BASIC STATISTICAL LEGISLATION Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment – Sub-directorate General of Statistics 3 In article , the Constitution establishes: “the State has exclusive jurisdiction over statistics with state purposes”. Law 12/1989, of 9 May, on the Government Statistics which regulates statistical activity for state purposes, under the terms envisaged in article of the Constitution Disciplinary procedure for failure to comply with obligation : Royal Decree 1572/1993 of 10 September, which approves the Regulation on sanctioning administrative procedure of the violations for breach of its obligations under the Law of Public Statistical Function. Royal Decree 1572/1993 of 10 September, which approves the Regulation on sanctioning administrative procedure of the violations for breach of its obligations under the Law of Public Statistical Function. Obligatory statistics: Fourth additional order of Law 4/1990 of 29 June on General State Budgets for 1990 (BOE ). It is amended by Second additional order of Law 13/1996 of 30 December (BOE ).BOE BOE

National statistics planning Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment – Sub-directorate General of Statistics 4 The National Statistics Plan (NSP) is the main statistical activity computer tool of the State General Administration and is valid for four years. The plan contains the statistics that must be developed in the four year period by the State General Administration's services or any other entity dependent on it and those statistics to be undertaken totally or in part with the participation of Autonomous Communities and local governments. All statistics included in the National Statistics Plan are statistics for state purposes and are obligatory. The NSP is approved by royal decree (RD) and is carried out via the annual programmes (AP) that develop it and which are approved by RD. The AP contains those actions that must be carried out in the NSP’s operational year and the forecasts that, for this purpose, must be incorporated into the State's General Budget.

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment – Sub-directorate General of Herbaceous and Industrial Crops 5

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment – Sub-directorate General of Statistics 6 

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Mediterranean network on agricultural market information (AMIS Med) / FEBRUARY