Branding & marketing Branding & marketing the senior project of Colleena Jones.


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Presentation transcript:

Branding & marketing Branding & marketing the senior project of Colleena Jones

What is branding & marketing ? BRANDING is the visual, emotional, rational, and cultural image associated with a company, organization, or a product marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.

NONPROFIT vs Profit marketing NONPROFIT MARKETING is the term used when the motive is to simply serve common good. PROFIT MARKETING however, is the term used when the motive is to earn a profit. THE DACC is a non profit organization serving common good by offering education.

My Project Research the marketing aspects of companies, organizations, & etc. Create a Logo Standard Guide for the Delaware Area Career Center.

LOGO STANDARDS & IMPORTANCE A logo is like a signature so it is important that it is consistent everywhere. MY PRODUCT is a logo standard guide for the DACC. This guide will serve the purpose of describing the correct manner to use the logo and colors of the DACC so that a consistent identity can be maintained.

BRAND vs LOGO Yes, they are different! A Brand is more than just an image, it’s the feeling associated with a company, organization, or product. A logo is graphic treatment of text, or a combination of text and graphics, that identifies a company, organization or a product.

Interview Lisa Riegel Delaware Area Career Center, PR How does public relations tie into within the Delaware Area Career Center marketing?

Time spent & BLOGGED

Works Cited & Resources Websites used: Chris Brown. “Branding & Marketing.” November 17, October 26, Vera Raposo. “How A Familiar Brand Can Mean More Sales For You.” May 8th, sales-for-you/. October 26, Books used: Conley, Lucas. OBD: Obsessive Branding Disorder: The Illusion of Business and the Business of Illusion. Jackson: PublicAffairs, Holland, DK. Branding for Nonprofits. New York: Allworth Press, Beckwith, Sandra. Publicity for Nonprofits: Generating Media Exposure That Leads to Awareness, Growth, and Contributions. New York: Kaplan Business, 2006.