Revision. Exercise 1 1.The sick woman’s life is in great d_______. 2.We need__________(protect)the animals in danger. 3.All of use know an orange is _________(orange).


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Presentation transcript:


Exercise 1 1.The sick woman’s life is in great d_______. 2.We need__________(protect)the animals in danger. 3.All of use know an orange is _________(orange). 4.Lions are tiger’s c_________. 5.The bad news makes me m______. 6.The____________(surprise)thing was to hear he has been dead for 2 years. 7.It’s hard to stop the _______(kill). 8.T______these chairs away---we don’t need them. 9.Sheep ________(main)live on grass. anger to protect orange ousin ad surprising killing ake mainly

10.You must wash your d_____ hands before you have dinner. 11.It’s really a_______ to hear your grandfather died yesterday. 12.We must help the animals live in p________. 13._______who stole my bike.(find out,find) 14.If people kill too many animals,they will become r______. 15.Elephants and whales are e_________of the Animals in danger. 16.We are ___________(surprising,surprised) to learn the __________news irty wful eace Find out are xamples surprised surprising

17.The panda has become the s______ of all animals in danger. 18.Carelessness is often the c______of the fires. 19.The_________(difficult)is ________(stop) people __________(kill) them. 20.We can give pandas c______water. ymbol ause difficultyto stop killing lean

Step 1 Review time 1.Did you like the zoo?—Yes,( 我最终看到了大熊猫. 我非常的激动 )I was___ _______ ___ _____ the pandas…___ _____.2. 了解卧龙自然保护区很有 趣.___ was_______ ___ _____ ____the Wolong Panda Reserve.3. 想到所有的那些濒危动物很难过. __ ___ __ ____ ____all those animals__ ______. 4. 这个坏消息让我发狂.The bad news______me___. 5. 吃惊的事就是听到那么多的动物都处于濒危状态. The_______ ___ was___ _____ ___ _____ Animals are in danger.6. 我们需要更好的保护他们 . We____ ____ ______them ______. 7. 捕杀鲸或象获取他们的肉真是很不应该 。 their meat. __just isn’t ____ __ ___whales or elephants___ so excited to see at last It interesting to learn about It is sad to think about in danger makes sad surpring thing to hear how many need to protect better It right to kill for

8. 确实如此,但是要制止捕杀很难. Absolutely,but ___ _____ ___ _____ __ ______.9. 许多动物无处 生存.Many animals ___ __ ____ __ ____ ___. 10. 我们的村庄和农场变得越来越大,我们正在占据(他 们赖以生存)的土地和森林.Our villages and farms ___ ______ _____,and we’re______ _____their Lands and forests.11. 他们的水常常不宜饮用-因为 我们给污染了.Also,often their water isn’t good ___ _____because we___ _______it_____. 12. 我们要帮助动物生活在安宁的环境里.We need ___ _____the animasl ____ ___ ______. 13. 许多人决定不再考虑这些.我们到底能做写什么呢 ? Many people decide___ ___ _____ ____it. ____ ____ _____can we do? it’s hard to stop the killing have no place to live in are growing biggertaking away to drinkhave made dirty to help live in peace not to think about What on earth

14. 想一想为了挽救他们,我们能做些什么? Let’s____ ____what we can do___ ____them… 15.Who has made the water___ ____ ___ _____? ( 太脏而不能喝 ). ( 杀死太多的 ) 16.When people____ ___ ______animals,they ______ _____( 变的稀少 ). 17.Elephants and whales ___ ______ ___ animals in danger.( 是 … 事例 ) 18._____ _________( 自然保护区 )are forests or large parks where animals can live in peace. 19.If we give them_____ ___ ___ _____( 安全的 地方住 ),we can ______( 保护 )animals in danger. 20.( 发现 … 你奇怪吗? )___you_____ __ ___ ___ That whales are in danger? find out to save too dirty to drink kill too many become rare are examples of Nature reserves somewhere safe to live protect Are surprised to find out

Exercise 1 1.The panda is one of the_________(animal) most in danger. 2.There are about 1,000 pandas_________(live) in nature reserves today. 3.Zoos and _______ _________( 研究中心 ) ____ ______( 照顾 )/____ _____ ____about 160 pandas. 4.Pandas_________(main)_____ ____( 以 … 为食 ) Bamboo,and each panda needs_________(eat) Lots of bamboo every day. 5.The area of bamboo is___________(become) Smaller for many different _________(reason),so pandas don’t have many_________(baby). animals living research centres look after take care of mainly live on to eat becoming reasons babies

,so pandas have_____and______(little)land ____ ______(live) on. 6.The situation is becoming very_____(seriously). 7.Our government is working hard__________ (save) pandas. 8.The pandas will have ________( 足够的 )food ______(eat) and enough places_________(live)in. 9.Pandas_____(bear)in the zoos may___ ___ __ ( 返回到 )live in the nature reserves. less to live serious to save enough to eatto live born go back to

Step 2 Activity 2 1. 世界上最著名的动物之一._________________ _______________________________________ 2. 是 … 标志 __________________… 长城是中国的标志。 / 鸽子使和平的标志. The Great Wall is ____ ________ ___China. The dove is _____ _______ ____peace. 3.a long way to go sth… 表示 “ 路还很长,还学要努 力 ” e.g. 我拿了一等奖,但我知道自己还需努力. I’ve got the first prize.But I know I’ve got ___ ___ ___ __ ____. 4.such as:I like fruit,such as apples,oranges and pears. for example:He is a kind man.For example,he often helps Miss Li carry water. one of the best-known/most famous animals in the world be the symbol of the symbol of a long way to go

Exercises :1.When pandas are born in their _______(nature)home,many of them die. 2.Pandas_____(bear)in zoos may go back to live n the nature reserves. 3.The panda has_________(become)the symbol of all animals in danger? 4.Pandas dont’ have many_______(baby). 5.Don’t stay close to the lion in the cage.It’s__________(danger). 6.The old woman____________(die)for 10 years. 7.The dove is the s________of peace. 8.Carelessness is often the c______of fires. 9.He is an honest man,so we have no r______to disbelieve him. ause born become babies dangerous has been dead ymbol natural eason