10/16/2015 1 1 Residential Sector Conservation Resource Assessment Technologies, Measures and Practices “Scouting Report” September 30, 2002.


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Presentation transcript:

10/16/ Residential Sector Conservation Resource Assessment Technologies, Measures and Practices “Scouting Report” September 30, 2002

10/16/ Objective –Identify Technologies, Measures or Practices That Can Improve The Energy Efficiency of Electricity Use in the Residential Sector –Review Existing Analysis to Establish Preliminary Estimates of »Unit level incremental cost and savings »Current market saturation/penetration »“Order of Magnitude” Regional Resource Potential

10/16/ Measures Considered in Fourth Power Plan l Space Heating in New & Existing Residential Buildings –Insulation –Improved glazing –Air Sealing l Water Heating & Appliances –DHW Standby loss reduction (insulation, pipe wrap, bottom boards) –Clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers showerheads –Heat pump and solar water heaters l Refrigerator and freezer l Lighting

10/16/ Fourth Plan’s Resource Potential End Use Cost-Effective Resource Potential in Medium Forecast (aMW) Freezers17 Refrigerators88 Water Heating 313 Lighting47 New Residential Space Heating 204 Existing Residential Space Heating 27 Total696

10/16/ The GOOD News - Forecast Adjustments for Codes, Standards and Market Transformation

10/16/ OK – So There’s Still Something Left to Do l Avoided Cost Forecast Are Higher –Fourth Plan - $30/MWh –Fifth Plan “Working Draft” - $38/MWh l Technology Has Improved –Clothes washer is now 75% more efficient than recently adopted 2007 Federal Standard –Class “30” Windows are available l New Practices are Now Available –Performance Tested HVAC Installation and duct sealing

10/16/ Residential Appliances l Refrigerators (18 cu.ft. Top Freezer) –New Federal Standard = 491 kWh/yr –Best Available Model = 417 kWh/yr –Savings/Unit = 74 kWh/yr l Dishwashers –Federal Standard = EF 46 –Best Available Model = EF 1.29 –Savings/Unit = 305 kWh/yr (w/Electric DHW) l Clothes Washers –New Federal Standard (2007) = MEF 1.26 –Best Available Model = MEF 2.2 –Savings/Unit = 350 kWh/yr (w/Electric DHW & Dryer)

10/16/ Residential Appliances (Cont.) l Freezers (17 cu.ft. Upright) –New Federal Standard = 587 kWh/yr –Best Available Model = ? kWh/yr –Savings/Unit = ? kWh/yr l Room Air Conditioner (9,000 Btu/hr) –Federal Standard = EER 9.8 –Best Available Model = EER 11.5 –Savings/Unit = 66 kWh/yr »Zone 1 = 43 kWh/yr (Seattle) »Zone 2 = 78 kWh/yr (Portland/Missoula) »Zone 3 = 134 kWh/yr (Boise)

10/16/ Residential Water Heating – All Homes l New Federal Standard (2004) = EF 90 l Best Available “Resistance” Model = EF 95 –Savings = 120 kWh/yr l Best Available Heat Pump Model = EF 2.3 –Savings = 1,600 kWh/yr l Solar Water Heating –Savings = 2000 – 2600 kWh/yr l GFX Waste Water Heat Recovery –Savings = 150 – 600 kWh/yr l Total Available Units = 4.6 million by 2025

10/16/ Residential Space Conditioning – Existing Homes l Existing Home – Weatherization –Single Family »Savings/unit = 2500 kWh/yr w/o Windows »Available Units = 1.3 million - % Retrofitted –Multifamily »Savings/unit = 1500 kWh/yr w/o Windows »Available Units = 338,000 - % Retrofitted –Manufactured/Mobile Homes »Savings/unit = 3000 kWh/yr w/o Windows »Available Units = 134,000 - % Retrofitted

10/16/ Residential Space Conditioning – Existing Homes l Existing Home – HVAC System Improvement ( Duct sealing & Heat Pump “Re-commissioning”) –Single Family »Savings/unit = kWh/yr »Available Units l 260,000 FAF w/ducts * % Applicable l 155,000 Heat pumps w/ducts & flow/charge % Applicable –Manufactured/Mobile Homes »Savings/unit = 700 – 850 kWh/yr »Available Units l 200,000 FAF w/ducts * % Applicable l 24,000 Heat pumps w/ducts & flow/charge * % Applicable

10/16/ Residential Space Conditioning – Existing Homes l Other Measures –Heat Pump Conversions »Single Family = 4,500 – 7,500 kWh/yr »Manufactured Homes = 2,700 – 7,000 kWh/yr –Heat Pump Upgrades »Single Family = 1,700 – 2,200 kWh/yr »Manufactured Homes = 1,000 – 1,800 kWh/yr l CRAC - Additional Recommendations?

10/16/ Residential Space Conditioning – New Homes l New Home – Thermal Shell Improvements –Single Family »Savings/unit = 1500 kWh/yr »Available Units = 220,000 –Multifamily »Savings/unit = 600 kWh/yr »Available Units = 365,000 –Manufactured Homes »Savings/unit = 2600 kWh/yr »Available Units = 220,000

10/16/ Residential Space Conditioning – New Homes l New Home – HVAC System Improvement (Duct sealing & Heat Pump “Commissioning”) –Single Family »Savings/unit = 500 kWh/yr »Available Units l 145,000 Heat pumps w/ducts & flow/charge * % Applicable –Manufactured/Mobile Homes »Savings/unit = 600 kWh/yr »Available Units l 186,000 FAF w/ducts * % Applicable l 34,000 Heat pumps w/ducts & flow/charge * % Applicable

10/16/ Residential Space Conditioning – New Homes l Other Measures –Heat Pump Upgrades »Single Family = 650 – 1300 kWh/yr »Manufactured Homes = 1000 – 1800 kWh/yr l CRAC - Additional Recommendations?

10/16/ CRAC - Additional Recommendations?