Think Now…  How can a story be like a roller coaster ride?


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Presentation transcript:

Think Now…  How can a story be like a roller coaster ride?


Plot Basics  Most stories follow a 5 part structure that includes:  Exposition: Where the reader receives information about characters, the central conflicts of the story, and the setting.  Rising Action: Where the conflict or conflicts of the story are complicated by additional conflicts or difficulties for the characters  The Climax: A moment of great emotional intensity or suspense in the plot. Often either decides the outcome of the conflict or sets in motion events that will end the conflict  Falling Action: Where final elements of the conflicts are resolved and outcomes begin to become clear  Resolution: The central conflicts have been resolved and the fates of the main, and/or supporting, characters have been made clear.

Freytag’s Pyramid  Plot structure can be plotted visually using Freytag’s Pyramid, seen below.  Note: “Denouement” is another term used to describe the “Resolution”

An Exception to Freytag…  Freytag’s Pyramid was originally based on 5-Act dramatic structure, like Shakespeare’s plays. However, it can also be applied to novels and short stories.  Short stories, however, often do not fit the whole pyramid. Many short stories end at the climax, and imply the falling action and resolution, which do not occur in the story itself