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Short Stories. Key Components You should write stories that have events that build off of each other. Ideally, they will be comprised of the following.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Stories. Key Components You should write stories that have events that build off of each other. Ideally, they will be comprised of the following."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Stories

2 Key Components You should write stories that have events that build off of each other. Ideally, they will be comprised of the following components: – Exposition – Inciting Incident – Rising Action – Climax – Falling Action – Resolution

3 Plot Sequence of events, or what happens in a story. Each event in a well-constructed plot causes or leads to the next. The plot of a literary work can usually be divided into several sections.

4 Exposition Essential background information for understanding the piece is given in this portion of the story. It describes the main character(s) and the setting.

5 Inciting Incident Even that creates the central conflict, or struggle, that the work is about. This is the moment of realization for the main character, when he or she comes to some decision or does something that will determine the outcome of the story. The crisis is not the climax, but will lead to it.

6 Rising Action Includes all the events that happen between the inciting incident and the climax. Also known as complications that build suspense within the story. During the rising action, the stakes increase as the character faces complications that block his/her way.

7 Climax High point of interest and/or suspense in the work. Also known as the moment of truth or emotional high point of the story. This is the part of the work where the main character either triumphs or fails. The climax should also somehow cause a change, either subtle or obvious, in the main character.

8 Falling Action Includes all events that happen between the climax and resolution. Shows how the main character adjusts to the change.

9 Resolution Can also be called the denouement. This is the point where the conflict is ended, or resolved. Brings the story to a satisfying close.

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