Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Contributions to WIGOS David Meldrum, vice chair, JCOMM OPA.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Contributions to WIGOS David Meldrum, vice chair, JCOMM OPA

11/11/11 2

Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Updated June 2012 as per JCOMM-4 decision Management Committee 2 Co-Presidents 3 PA Coordinators Experts leading priority activities (with participation of representatives of partner programmes/bodies) Data Management PA Expert Team on Marine Climatology Expert Team on Data Management Practices (joint with IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange: IODE) JCOMMOPS: JCOMM in situ Observing Platform Support Center Observations PA Ship Obs. Team SOOPIP VOSP Data Buoy Cooperation Panel GLOSS Group of Experts Argo IOCCP OceanSITES link to Coordination Group OPA Coordinator (chair), Selected Experts including OCG Vice-chair, Representatives of Obs. Networks / Programmes Coordination Group DMPA Coordinator (chair), Chairs of ETs, IODE Co-chair, Selected experts Services & Forecasting Systems PA Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecast Systems Expert Team on Sea Ice Coordination Group SFSPA Coordinator (chair), Chairs of ETs, Selected experts, GODAE Ocean View representative

Current JCOMM contributions to WIGOS Addressing legacy recommendations of JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS –Creation of Regional Marine Instrumentation Centres (RMICs) USA, China, Morocco (to follow) China (NCOSM) has been particularly active –Establishment of an International Forum for Users of Satellite Data Telecommunications (Satcom Forum) Raise awareness of importance of satcoms for environmental observation Progress special arrangements with major service providers –Promotion of best practice: Contractor has proposed revised strategy for marine guidance material Development of marine forecasting competency requirements

Current JCOMM contributions to WIGOS Addressing legacy recommendations of JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS –Strengthen collaboration between in situ and satellite communities Success with GHRSST will lead to other similar activities –Run pilot projects to evaluate and roll out new technologies New satcoms New sensors/platforms Progressing with implementation of Key Activity Areas –Has been JCOMM’s mission since its inception

Sea-Gliders and other autonomous platforms

Monitoring - platforms on GTS (30-day window)

Monitoring - GTS delays for drifting buoys

Monitoring - Argo profiling floats

One output - surface current climatology Will increasingly be used for network design

Capacity Development

Interaction with satellite community: Group for High Resolution SST (GHRSST) GHRSST use drifter SST for validation New drifter spec agreed that meets their needs Pilot ‘upgrade’ programme launched

Future JCOMM contributions to WIGOS Closer interaction with satellite community –Pilot project for in situ surface vector winds / wave field Roll-out of climate-quality observations –Ocean heat content and sea-level rise Deep Argo and Gliders Sub-sea cables (ITU/IOC/WMO JTF): dual use for tsunami warning Implementation of Satcom Forum Integration of ocean services with WIGOS and WIS –Creation of taskteam Importance of GOOS Regional Associations Biogeochemical observations Composite network design –OSSEs –Better metrics of system performance

Personal observations (not QC-ed) Be careful: but be less conservative, be more inclusive –WIGOS needs to understand and welcome the 3 rd parties Otherwise they will go it alone Examples: invite input from 3 rd party AWSs NOAA NDBC/NWS already doing it to a limited extent Maybe don’t conform to ‘standards’ – but they can be very useful –Eg Rapid intensification events Be careful: but respond more rapidly –Otherwise technology will overtake you: it already does! –Eg observations of new variables –Eg SHIP call sign masking protocols –Eg publication of GTS data –Eg station IDs

Ship Call-Sign Masking Requirement to mask or encode call-signs in SHIP reports on the GTS as anti-piracy measure Issue still not fully resolved after several years It’s too late anyway: the data are publically available!