Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications (IDEA): R. Bradley Pierce NOAA/NESDIS/STAR PM2.5 forecasting tool hosted at NOAA NESDIS using NASA.


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Presentation transcript:

Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications (IDEA): R. Bradley Pierce NOAA/NESDIS/STAR PM2.5 forecasting tool hosted at NOAA NESDIS using NASA MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), GOES derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) and US EPA AIRNow PM2.4 network. IDEA is a NASA- EPA-NOAA partnership to improve air quality assessment, management, and prediction by infusing (NASA) satellite measurements into (EPA, NOAA) analyses for public benefit. The IDEA web-based analysis, forecast, and visualization system is hosted at the NOAA Center of Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)NASAEPANOAA

Objective: Near-real-time product for State and Local Air Quality Forecasters Goal: Improve accuracy of next day PM 2.5 AQI forecast during large aerosol events NASA MODIS - NOAA GOES- EPA AIRNow Data Fusion Improving EPA Air Quality Index (PM 2.5) Forecasting

September 5, 2003 September 10 Operational Use of Satellite Data for Air Quality Sensitive groups should avoid all physical activity outdoors; everyone else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion Sensitive groups should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion; everyone else should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion Sensitive groups should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion Unusually sensitive people should consider reducing prolonged or heavy exertion None Cautionary Statements Index Values PM 10 (ug/m 3 ) PM 2.5 (ug/m 3 ) Category Good Very Unhealthy Unhealthy Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Moderate Source: US EPA, 1997

MODIS AOD:color contours, WF_ABBA Fire pixels: purple dots MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth September 4, 2003 Clean air advection behind cold front Visible image Aerosol Optical Depth Pacific NW Wildfires

MODIS AOD: color contours WF_ABBA Fire pixels: purple dots MODIS AOD Trajectory Initialization, Sept. 7, 2003 Elongation of high AOD along trough axis Initialization of Trajectories to predict movement of high AOD Merging high pressure systems

MODIS AOD: color contours WF_ABBA Fire pixels: purple dots 24hr Trajectory Forecast with current MODIS AOD September 8, 2003 Development of high pressure systems over Canada and central US

MODIS AOD: color contours WF_ABBA Fire pixels: purple dots Elevated AOD entrained into merged high pressure system 48hr Trajectory Forecast with current MODIS AOD September 9, 2003


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