1 Someone loves you and offers a wonderful date for your life. HER PERSPECTIVE “The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone.’” (Genesis 2:18) What prevents most men from knowing a girl personally?
2 Man is bashful and separated from the girl. Therefore, he cannot know and experience a date for his life. MAN’S CONDITION “I am meek when face to face with you, but bold towards you when absent.” (2 Corinthians 10:1)
The third principle explains the only way to bridge this gulf… Girl is beautiful and man is bashful. Thus a great chasm separates the two. Man is continually trying to reach the girl and the date-filled life through his own efforts, such as blind dates, computer dating services, etc., but these inevitably fail.
3 Communication is the only provision for man’s bashfulness. Through it you can know and experience a date for your life. THE SOLUTION It is not just enough to know these truths… “You have not because you ask not.” (James 4:2) The chasm that separates man from girl has been bridged by sending the telephone in his place.
4 We must each individually ask the girl out. Then we can know and experience a date for our lives. MAN’S RESPONSE “Ask and you shall receive.” (Matthew 7:7) Getting a date just involves turning from self and asking the girl out. It is not enough to merely give intellectual assent to her existence or have an emotional infatuation.
These two circles represent two kinds of lives. The date-less life. The girl is outside the life, often resulting in discord and frustration. The date-filled life. The girl is in the life, resulting in harmony and an all-around good time. Which circle represents your life? Which circle would you like to have represent your life?
You Can Ask the Girl Out Right Now by Phone The phone just involves talking with the girl, just like I am talking with you right now. She is not so concerned with your words as she is with being asked out.
The following is a suggested phone call. You can repeat it after me right now, or look it over and say it yourself: “Hello, I need you. I open the door of my car and ask you to be my date. Thank you for being friendly. Say, ‘Yes,’ and make me the kind of person I want to be.” Does this phone call express the desire of your heart? If it does, make the call right now, and the girl will say, “Yes.”
Now that you have experienced a date for your life, share your joy with someone else, and tell them how he can experience a wonderful date for his life too!