Colonial Life in the Americas 1607-1776. Who were the Colonists? Colonies were made up of mostly independent farmers (90%).


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Presentation transcript:

Colonial Life in the Americas

Who were the Colonists? Colonies were made up of mostly independent farmers (90%).

Who were the Colonists? -Skilled collection of citizens: farmers, metal workers, politicians, doctors, merchants, carpenters, slaves, and indentured servants. Diverse population: 85% English, Irish, Dutch, German, Scottish. 10% Slaves and indentured servants and Native Americans.

Governance 1600’s to early 1700’s: Colonies mostly SELF-GOVERNED, each colony set their own laws and rules, but still under British control.

BENEFITS OF COLONIAL LIFE COMPARED TO ENGLISH LIFE -Lower death rate in the colonies compared to England. -Higher birth rate than babies born in England. -Lower tax rate than English citizens. -Colonists weighed more and were taller than English citizens.

Colonial Medicine/Healthcare -Families practiced home remedies and traditional therapies due to lack of professional training in the colonies.

Colonial Medicine/Healthcare -Diseases spread easily through the colonies like: Smallpox, Yellow Fever, and Malaria. These diseases would return in different seasons. -Doctor’s tools and medicine basic as well.

Vaccinations Vaccinations helped prevent spread of Smallpox with colonists. This still often resulted in a dangerous recovery period for the very young and old.

Indentured Servants and Slavery The idea of indentured servitude was born of a need for cheap labor. Indentured servants became vital to the colonial economy. Usually worked 4-7 years in exchange for the trip to the Americas, room, and board. indentured servant's contract could be extended as punishment for breaking a law, such as running away, or in the case of female servants, becoming pregnant. From Slavery grew in the colonies to 21,000. By 1770’s-there were over 100,000 slaves in the colonies. Slavery replaced Indentured Servants in the Colonies because they were cheaper and would not be granted their citizenship and freedom in the colonies at the end of a term of service, like the indentured servants were offered.