WHAT IS A ROTARIAN? A Rotarian is a person who digs wells from which he/she will never drink. By Grant Wilkins.


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Presentation transcript:

WHAT IS A ROTARIAN? A Rotarian is a person who digs wells from which he/she will never drink. By Grant Wilkins

A person who vaccinates children he/she will never meet.

A person who restores eyesight for those he/she will never see.

A person who builds housing that he/she will never live in.

A person who educates children he/she will never know.

A person who plants trees he/she will never see or sit under.

A person who feeds hungry people, regardless of race, color, or politics.

A person who makes crawlers into walkers, halfway around the world.

A person who knows real happiness which can only be found by serving others.

FRANK DEVLYN QUOTE “For all the joy we receive from serving others less fortunate; For all the happiness we gain from friends we make in Rotary; Those rewards can be multiplied if we bring in new members.”