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Presentation transcript:

FAA Data Comm Program Status AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (ACP) 20th MEETING OF WORKING GROUP M Montreal, Canada January 23 - 25, 2013 Agenda Item: 6 (a) FAA Data Comm Program Status (Presented by: Peter Muraca, FAA) SUMMARY This information paper is intended to provide status of on going activities within the FAA for the implementation of the Data Communications Program.

Agenda Background Program Baseline - Scope Program Lifecycle Services Roadmap Data Comm System View (end to end environment) Data Comm System Components Target Equipage Recent Activities Program Status – S1P1 Activities Program S1P1 Milestones

Background Increased Safety – Reduced Operational Errors Direct Reroutes Crossing Restrictions Tailored Arrivals Aircraft Fuel Savings Ground Delay Savings Revised Departure Clearance Airport Information Flow Initiatives En Route Delay Savings and Increased Controller Productivity Seamless Uplink of Flow Initiatives / TFM Reroutes – “Go” Button Comm Transfer Workload Reduction More Efficient Delivery of Clearances Allows Uplink of More Complex Clearances En Route Notifications Provides two-way data between controllers, automation and flight crews Safety-of-flight air traffic control (ATC) clearances, instructions, traffic flow management, flight crew requests and reports Automation enhancements for ATC message generation and exchange 3

Program Baseline - Scope JRC approved Final Investment Decision for S1P1 (Departure Clearance service) for 41 sites Data Comm Integrated Services (DCIS) contract TDLS Departure Clearance (DCL) enhancements ERAM contract modification supporting DCL service (AFN logon) Moving forward with development of En Route services (S1P2) Tower Trials Operational trials of the DCL service in Memphis, Newark, and Atlanta

Program lifecycle Near Term Activities (FID) Final Investment Decision DCIS Contract Award (Planned for Q4 FY12) (IID) Initial Investment Decision (IARD) Investment Analysis Readiness Decision Tower automation IOC 2016 (Seg 1 Phase 1) En-Route automation IOC 2019 (Seg 1 Phase 2) Segment 2 IOC 2025 (ATN) Near Term Activities Complete Service Level Agreements Complete Safety Assessments Complete Initial Requirement Documents Complete Initial Cost Benefit Analysis Complete JRC 2A, Initial Investment Decision Develop Specifications (Sys Eng) Human Factors HITLS Standards Development Develop and Release SIR(s) Receive and Evaluate proposals Finalize Business Case Analyses Contract Award 5

Services Roadmap Segment 1 Phase 1 - Tower Service Segment 1 Phase 2 CY 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Segment 1 Phase 1 - Tower Service Departure Clearance Tower IOC Departure Clearances (DCL) Segment 1 Phase 2 - En Route Services Transfer of Communications Initial Check-In Altitudes / Altimeter Settings Go Button / Airborne Reroutes Tailored Arrivals Controller Initiated Routes Direct-to-Fix Crossing Restrictions Advisory Messages Speed and Headings Beacon Codes Stuck Microphone Initial En Route Services En Route IOC Data Comm Routine Communications TFM Data Comm Tailored Arrivals Reroutes Full En Route Services Data Comm Routine Communications FANS 1/A+ over VDL-2 transitioning to ATN Avionics FANS Ground System ATN Segment 2 - Advanced Services 4D Trajectories D-TAXI 6 6 6 6 6

Data Comm System View Ground Infrastructure - FAA Tower Data Link Service (TDLS) En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM) FAA Telecommunications Infrastructure (FTI) Uplink/Downlink Infrastructure - FAA Data Comm Integrated Services (DCIS/DCNS) Aircraft Upgrades – Airlines FANS 1/A+ over VDL-2, later adding ATN B2 Phase 1 Phase 1 & 2 Phase 2 National Sites ZLC and ZTL

Data Comm System Components Tower Data Link (TDLS) Enhancements In-house FAA development through the Inter-Facility Communications Engineering Team (IFCET) Departure Clearance (DCL) and Revised DCL service Implementation En Route Automation (ERAM) Enhancements Key functions needed for Tower Service and to enable subsequent En Route services (AFN, Flight Plan…..) Ground-Ground Telecommunications Service FAA Telecommunications Infrastructure (FTI) Data Comm Integrated Service (DCIS) Contract awarded to Harris Corporation in September 2012 Air/Ground VHF Data Link Mode 2 (VDL-2) Network Service (DCNS) Engineering Integration Services Manage Avionics Equipage Initiative 8

Target Equipage Initial service will be deployed with Future Air Navigation System (FANS) 1/A+ avionics Integrated avionics package functionality supports deployment of all Segment 1 Tower and En Route services FANS in operation today Ground System deployment plans extend to align with Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) avionics projected for 2020s timeframe ATN Baseline 2 will allow advanced NextGen operations such as Trajectory Based Operations, Conformance Management, etc. ATN Baseline 2 standards are in the process of being finalized by joint US-European committee Air / Ground network will be VHF Data Link (VDL) Mode 2 Program investigating accommodating VDL Mode 0 for Tower DCL service Part of Tower trials is to determine if VDL Mode 0 can meet performance requirements for DCL

Recent Activities ERAM Enhancements Data Comm Integrated Service Completed Critical Design Review (CDR) for Data Comm ERAM software enhancements Completed system integration of Data Comm ERAM software enhancements and began Development Test (DT) Data Comm Integrated Service Awarded the Data Comm Integrated Services (DCIS) contract to Harris Procure Data Communication Network Services (DCNS) Tower Trials Awarded Contract for Data Communications Trial Automation Platform (DTAP) Completed functional test of DTAP at FAA Tech Center with NATCA controllers Conducted live end-to-end testing of DTAP into the flight deck avionics with United, UPS, Delta, and FedEx at FAA Technical Center Installed DTAP equipment (B4.5) and began functional testing at Memphis Tower Completed Departure Clearance (DCL) procedures and training development to support trials at Memphis Start 24x7 operational DCL trials in Memphis April 2013 TDLS Enhancements Successfully completed TDLS Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Conduct Critical Design Review (CDR) in April 2013 ahead of schedule Approval & Coordination Achieved Final Investment Decision (FID) for Segment 1 Phase 1 (Tower Service) from the Joint Resources Council (JRC) Received endorsement for Segment 1 Phase 2 (En Route) services

Program Status – S1P1 Activities FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 DCIS Award 9/2012 DCNS Award 8/2013 DCNS Service at Tech Center 9/2013 DCNS Service Acceptance 7/2014 DCIS Acquisition Proposal Evaluation Preliminary Design Review 10/2012 Critical Design Review 8/2013 TDLS V 12 Initial Test Release 7/2014 Tower Service IOC 3/2016 Tower Automation Enhancements Specification Development Software Development Integration & Test Tower Deployment Critical Design Review 3/2012 Contract Mod Award 11/2012 ERAM R 4.2 Initial Test Release 6/2014 ERAM Enhancements for Tower Services Software and Hardware Development Tower Trials Report Out 9/2014 DTAP Award 4/2012 Operational Trials Begin 4/2013 Trials Trials Coordination Trials Execution Data Communications Program – Status AEEC SAI Subcommittee (January 22 – 24, 2013 ) Miami, FLA

Program S1P1 Milestones      Task Name Baseline Date ERAM Preliminary Design Review (PDR) 9/2011 ERAM Critical Design Review (CDR) 3/2012 FID: Final Investment Decision for ERAM & TDLS 5/2012 DCIS Contract Award* 7/2012 TDLS Preliminary Design Review (PDR)** 12/2012 TDLS Critical Design Review (CDR) 8/2013 ERAM Initial Test Release (ITR) 6/2014 Operational Test (OT&E) 11/2015 First-Site Initial Operational Capability (IOC) 3/2016 In-Service Decision (ISD) 12/2016 Operational Readiness Decisions (ORD) 4/2017 Last-Site IOC 5/2019      *DCIS contract awarded September 2012 **PDR being held October 23-25

(services definitions) Backup (services definitions) 13 13 13

Segment 1 Initial Tower Service Revised Departure Clearances (DCL) including revisions transmitted to the aircraft on the ground Enables full route clearances and revisions Exploits Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS) avionics found in newer aircraft Will not impact existing pre-departure clearance (PDC) services Will be delivered via FANS 1/A+ over VDL-2 Initiate field trials in 2012 14 14 14

Segment 1 En Route Services Transfer of Communications (TOC) Service and Initial Check-in (IC) Service Enables controllers to handle traffic more strategically Capacity increase of 15%-21% depending upon altitude Basic capability with minimal overrides - use voice for special cases Enhance later to handle special cases Will be delivered via FANS 1/A+ over VDL-2 15 15 15

Segment 1 En Route Services “Go Button” Leverages Traffic Flow Management (TFM) program for more direct reroutes Enables quicker recovery from bad weather or other Traffic Management Advisory situations Required for full realization of capabilities and benefits from TFM Pilot Initiated Downlink – Request for direct-to-fix More direct routes quickly and easily negotiated between controller and pilot Reduces flight times and distance Benefit of shortcutting to save fuel Airlines have indicated this is a significant operational benefit 16 16 16 16

Segment 1 En Route Services Controller initiated direct-to-fix and controller response to this pilot request for direct-to-fix Enables controllers to effectively handle more traffic More efficient use of the whole controller team Crossing Restrictions and Altimeter Setting (AS) Service Reduces burden of repetitive tasks on the controller Cross Fix at Altitude Cross Fix at Altitude and Speed All Data Comm Services increase Safety by reducing Hear-Back/Read-Back errors 17 17 17 17

Segment 2 Advanced Services Trajectory Based Operations in Performance Based Airspace, providing conflict-free flight with stable aircraft routing Conformance Management to ensure aircraft compliance with trajectory Optimized Profile Descents and time-based metering NAS Airport status, delays and constraints, hazardous weather uplinked to the aircrew Taxi-in / Taxi-out service provides taxi routes for aircraft to follow from the gate to the runway 18 18 18