International Telecommunication Union World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010)


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Presentation transcript:

International Telecommunication Union World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010)

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 2 PLANNING PROCEDURE FOR HF BROADCASTING Nedialko Miltchev Broadcasting services Division (Article 12 of the RR)

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 3 Planning procedure for HF broadcasting – Art.12 of the Radio Regulations. Introduction to HF notification. HFBC Schedule on CD-ROM. Coordination and Regional Coordination Groups. Summary:

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 4 The Planning Procedure for HF broadcasting Article 12 of the Radio Regulations Introduction Adopted by the World Radiocommunication Conference 1997 (WRC-97). In force since 1999.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 5 Main Principles Equal access to the HF bands. Equitable treatment of national and international requirements. Efficient use of the spectrum. Minimize incompatibility.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 6 Frequency bands Block allocation - bands between kHz and kHz New allocation situation since 30 March 2009: New band allocated: – kHz Excluded band: kHz (Circular letter CR/282)

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 7 * Regions 1 and 3 only Current allocation situation

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 8 Main features Coordination between administrations: Bilateral and multilateral. Regional Coordination Groups. Coordination on a common technical base. Administrations may authorise broadcasters or other organisations to coordinate on their behalf.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 9 Particularities Two seasonal periods: Summer – Season A. Winter – Season B. Two seasonal schedules: A and B Season A: From the last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October Season B: From the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of March Implementation: 0100 UTC

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 10 Who can notify? Administrations Authorized organizations: Broadcasters. Frequency managers. Administrations must advise the BR (in writing): Name of the authorized organization. Scope of the authorization.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 11 How to notify? Submissions: via WISFAT web interface for submission of frequency assignments/allotments (terrestrial services)WISFAT Alternatively - Floppy 3.5-inch. ITU -Radiocommunication Bureau Place des Nations CH-1211 Gen è ve 20, Switzerland

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 12 What to notify? The WHOLE schedule for the seasonal period must be submitted. When no amendments – inform the BR without submitting schedule. The common ASCII text format must be used.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 13 Notification file format First line: general information Season. Notifying organization. Date sent. Separate line for each requirement Frequency. Start time. Stop time…etc. Format & description: File format for submission of HFBC requirements

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 14 When to notify? Circular letter to administrations: November – for Season A. May – for Season B. 4 months before the Start Date: End of December – for Season A. End of July – for Season B. Any time during the season – at least 2 weeks before the closing date.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 15 Season B10 (31 October 2010 – 27 March 2011)

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 16 No schedule is submitted? The BR uses the requirements from the previous corresponding season (B09->B10). Once only! Then requirements are suppressed from the schedule.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 17 How is the data published? On a CD-ROM (11 per year): 2 Tentative Schedules (T1, T2). 2 or 3 Schedules (S1, S2, S3). Final Schedule (F). To subscribers only.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 18 What does the CD-ROM contain? Updated seasonal schedule. Propagation and compatibility analysis. Latest versions of ITU HFBC software.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 19 How to subscribe? Contact ITU Sales and Marketing Service: Sales and Marketing Service Places des Nations CH-1211 Genève 20, Switzerland

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 20 Regional Coordination Groups HFCC - High Frequency Coordination Conference. ASBU - Arab States Broadcasting Union. ABU-HFC - Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union - High Frequency Conference.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 21 Contact details

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 22 Assistance to administrations Application of the procedure. HFBC software training. Selection of suitable frequencies.

World Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 6-10 December 2010) 23 Thank you for your attention!