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2 Outline Introduction Frequency Bands Plans Lists Compatibility Criteria Main Regulatory Aspects Processing of Article 4 Submissions

3 FREQUENCY BANDS The BSS Plans and Lists cover the following frequency bands: Region 1: 11.7 - 12.5 GHz (space-to-Earth) 14.5 - 14.8 GHz (Earth-to-space) 17.3 - 18.1 GHz (Earth-to-space) Region 2: 12.2 - 12.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) 17.3 - 17.8 GHz (Earth-to-space) Region 3: 11.7 - 12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) 14.5 - 14.8 GHz (Earth-to-space) 17.3 - 18.1 GHz (Earth-to-space)

4 BSS PLANS Appendix 30 Downlink Plans (12 GHz) - Regions 1 and 3 Plan (234 beams) - Region 2 Plan (238 beams) Appendix 30A Feeder-link Plans (14 & 17 GHz) - Regions 1 and 3 Plans (308 beams) - Region 2 Plan (238 beams)

5 APPENDICES 30 & 30A PLANS PLAN REGION FREQ.(GHz) YEAR Downlink 212.2 - 12.7 1983 / 85 Downlink 111.7 - 12.5 1977/2000 Downlink 311.7 - 12.2 1977/2000 Feeder-link 217.3 - 17.8 1983 / 85 Feeder-link 1 & 314.5 - 14.8 1988/2000 Feeder-link 1 & 317.3 - 18.1 1988/2000

6 ELEMENTS OF PLANS National assignments are included in: Articles 10 & 11 of Ap.30 (downlink) Articles 9 & 9A of Ap.30A (feeder-link) These Articles describe: orbital position, channels, polarisation, power levels, antenna patterns, emission designation, beam coverage, grouping...

7 Plan & List Beams

8 WRC-2000 PLAN WRC-2000 developed a new Plan that included: 10 channels in Region 1 and 12 channels in Region 3; new national beams/assignments for East Timor and the Seychelles; 5 extended-coverage national beams for 15 administrations; 30 "composite" beams; new protection ratios and other technical parameters; orbital position preferences for 63 administrations; and 20 other national preferences.

9 REGIONS 1 AND 3 LISTS Regions 1 and 3 Lists of Additional Uses: Downlink List - 12 GHz List (currently 32 networks/3329 assignments) Feeder-link List - 14 GHz List (currently 1 network/6 assignments) - 17 GHz List (currently 34 networks/2064 assignments)

10 ELEMENTS OF LISTS Created at WRC-2000. Separated from the Plans and annexed to the Master Register (MIFR). Lists are evolving and will be updated and published periodically by the BR. Assignments in the Lists must be compatible with the Plans and other services.

11 ELEMENTS OF LISTS (contd) Digital modulation only Data elements submitted using Appendix 4 Non-monopolisation provisions 15 year time limit Provisions for use of assignments on a non- interference basis in case of disagreements Provision to accommodate assignments for new ITU Member States

12 COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN PLAN AND LIST ASSIGNMENTS Plan assignments –Regions 1 & 3 Plan based on EPM –Region 2 Plan based on OEPM List assignments –Regions 1 & 3 List based on EPM and also PFD for the downlink.

13 Compatibility Criteria for Regions 1 & 3 Plan Assignments Equivalent Protection Margin (EPM) is used as compatibility criteria for the Regions 1 & 3 Plans as follows: M i = protection margin = (dB) i = interference type (1=co-channel, 2 & 3 = upper & lower first adjacent channels); PR i = protection ratio for a given interference type i.

14 Compatibility Criteria for Region 2 Plan Assignments Overall Equivalent Protection Margin (OEPM) is used as compatibility criteria for the Region 2 Plan as follows: M i = protection margin = (dB) i = interference type (1=co-channel, 2&3=upper & lower first adjacent channels, 4&5= upper & lower second adjacent channels); PR i = protection ratio for a given interference type i.

15 Compatibility Criteria for Regions 1 & 3 List Assignments Based on both EPM and PFD criteria. –EPM criteria as per the Regions 1 & 3 Plan –PFD criteria also used to identify affected assignments as per Annex 1 of Ap.30

16 MAIN REGULATORY ASPECTS BSS Downlink/ Feeder-link - Modification/Addition/Coordination (Article 4) - Notification/Implementation (Article 5) Terrestrial - Coordination/Notification (Article 6) FSS - Coordination/Notification (Article 7) Space Operation/TT&C in the Guardbands - Coordination/Notification (Article 2A)

17 ARTICLE 5 EXAMINATION conformity with the Convention, Table of Allocations, other provisions conformity with the Plan and List (except reduced e.i.r.p, reduced coverage etc.) protection of other services in specific cases Notified technical characteristics have to be the same as those in the Plans or Lists except those allowed in provision 5.2.1 d)

18 ARTICLE 4 EXAMINATION (Appendix 30 Regions 1 & 3) Protection of the Regions 1 & 3 Plan and List - SPS/MSPACE: EPM & PFD calculations Protection of Region 2 Plan - GIBC(PXT)/GIMS: PFD Protection of Terrestrial Services - GIBC/GIMS: PFD Protection of Region 2 and Region 3 FSS - GIBC(PXT)/GIMS: PFD

19 ARTICLE 4 EXAMINATION (Appendix 30A Regions 1&3) Protection of Regions 1&3 Plan and Lists - SPS/MSPACE: EPM calculation Protection of the Region 2 Plan - GIBC(Appendix 8): delta T/T Protection of Region 2 FSS receiving feeder- link space stations (17.8-18.1 GHz) - GIBC(Appendix 8): delta T/T

20 Processing of Article 4 Submissions (1) Bureau is currently processing all as yet unpublished submissions received under Article 4 using the revised Appendices 30 and 30A in accordance with Resolution 546 (WRC-03). Special Sections, that contain the filed satellite network characteristics and potentially affected administrations, are being published in BR IFICs. Administrations should examine each BR IFIC to see if its assignments are affected and respond within 4 months.

21 Processing of Article 4 Submissions (2) Affected administrations that do not comment within the 4 month period are deemed to have agreed. After the 4 month period has expired, the BR prepares a list of coordination agreements required and publishes this in a Part D Special Section. Results of the Bureaus MSPACEg calculations are also placed on the BR IFIC. Workshop session will explain this in more detail.

22 Plan and List data All Plan and List assignment data can be found on the BR IFIC & the ITU website at: Contained in the SPS database (SNS Version 5 format). Contains the technical characteristics and reference situation for all Plan, List and pending Article 4 assignments. The SPS database is evolving and is updated regularly.

23 Post WRC-03 Activities Update of the Reference Situation (EPM/OEPM) for Plan & List assignments; Implementation of Resolution 548 (WRC-03); Implementation of the grouping concept in Regions 1 & 3; Processing of Article 2A, 4 & 5 notices; Implementation of Resolution 547.

24 Assignments in the SPS Database

25 Workshop Sessions How to determine if an administration is identified as affected by a proposed Article 4 satellite network in BR Publications; Using the SPS and other BR software applications to obtain the technical examination results; Part A and Part B Examination of an Article 4 network; Submission of Appendix 4 information under Articles 4 and 5 & Res.49 using SpaceCap v5


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