EUROPEAN COMMISSION Community health programmes: first results and future challenges for the EU regions Donata Meroni European Commission - DG Health and.


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Presentation transcript:

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Community health programmes: first results and future challenges for the EU regions Donata Meroni European Commission - DG Health and Consumers C1 unit – Head of sector Health Programme and Knowledge management 7 October 2008

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Development of Community Action in Public Health Basis in Article 152 of the Treaty: Incentive measure designed to protect and improve human health', 'excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the MS' Eight separate action programmes: health promotion, cancer, drug dependence, AIDS and other communicable diseases, health monitoring, rare diseases, accidents and injuries, pollution-related diseases million Community Action Programme for Public Health: Health Information Health Threats Health Determinants million Second Programme of Community Action in the field of Health: Health Security and Safety Health Promotion (including Health Inequalities) Health Information

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 3 First Public Health Programme ( ) Objectives: 1- Improve information and knowledge to promote public health and heath systems 2- Respond rapidly and coherently to health threats 3- Promote health and health disease by addressing health determinant

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 4 First Public Health Programme ( ) Participants: 1- EU Countries 2- Candidate and Acceding Countries 2- EFTA/EEA Countries Cooperation with International Organisations: WHO and OECD Main Actors Commission: DG SANCO PHEA since 2005

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 5 First Public Health Programme ( ) Funding mechanisms: 1- Grant for projects 85% 2- Procurements 5-10% 2- Others (Eurostat, Scientific Committee)

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 6 First Public Health Programme ( ) Results from projects:

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 7 State of play for projects * Number of signed projects Number of concluded projects * Provisional data – negotiation still on going

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 8 First Public Health Programme ( ) Results from tenders Health-EU Eurobarometer surveys Get active- UEFA spot to promote physical activivity Other results Project from international organisations Establishment and development of networks


New Programme Objectives Improve citizens' health security Promote health – including the reduction of health inequalities Generate and disseminate health information and knowledge

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 11 Second Health Programme: Budget (not including EFTA contribution)

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Participation Member States EFTA / EEA countries (under conditions of EEA agreement) In accordance with bilateral or multilateral agreements: Candidate and accession countries European Neighbourhood Policy countries Western Balkans included in the stabilisation and association process International co-operation with third countries and relevant international organisations, for example OECD and WHO

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Calls for proposals for projects: May be given to a public or private body based in one of the participating countries Financial contributions by the Community will cover up to 60% of project costs (or 80% for a proposal of exceptional utility) Calls for tender: Service procurements to cover specific Programme objective Financing offered at 100% Financing mechanisms I

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Financing mechanisms II Joint financing by the Community and one or more Member States: May be offered to a public body or non-government organisation; Community contributions may be up to 50% (or 80% in exceptional circumstances); Participating countries will be invited to present proposals for joint actions. Operating grants: May be offered to a non-government organisation or specialised network to cover core functioning costs; Organisations must be independent of industry and conflicting interests; Member organisations must be presented in at least half the Member States with a balanced geographical coverage; Community contributions may be up to 60% (or 80% for activities of exceptional utility)

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Financing mechanisms III Conferences in public health Presidency conferences Maximum: one conference per Presidency Up to 50% of the budget awarded as a lump sum Other conferences Up to 50% of the budget awarded as a lump sum Offered as call for proposals on a competitive basis Aims should be in line with overall Programme objectives Conferences must have a European-wide dimension and be organised by a public or non-profit making body

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Implementation Annual work plans: sets out priorities and actions to be undertaken and the criteria for Community contributions. The Commission is assisted by a Programme Committee: informed on all actions and projects funded through the Programme. The Executive Agency on Health and Consumers (EAHC) assists in the implementation. National Focal Points: national information relay points on the Programme; local support to potential applicants.

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Contacts For policy questions: DG Health and Consumers: For practical issues: Executive Agency: National focal points:

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Information Sources Public Health Portal SANCO Website EAHC Website