Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Regions delivering Lisbon through Cohesion Policy Press Briefing by Regional Policy Commissioner Prof. Danuta Hübner 12th December 2007
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION The source: Communication "Member States and Regions delivering the Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs through EU cohesion policy, adopted by the Commission on 11 December 2007 as part of the Lisbon Package Based on what? Throughout 2007, all Member States and regions have agreed cohesion policy programmes for the period including an « earmarking exercise » to focus investment on the Lisbon targets. Whats in it? Investment targets for cohesion policy programmes at the level of Member States. Message: Regions deliver growth and jobs through Cohesion Policy programmes. What is it about? 1
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Between 2007 and 2013, Cohesion policy will invest EUR 347 in all EU regions while the focus is on « Convergence » regions (in red) receiving 82% of available funds. « Earmarking » of investment on « Lisbon related » issues was made an obligation for all Member States by the Council, remaining voluntary for EU12 though. A reminder 2
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Cohesion policy at the heart of the Lisbon process Regions under the Convergence objective plan to invest 65% of the funds on Lisbon (+11% compared to the past), regions under the Regional Competitiveness and Employment objective 82% on Lisbon-related priorities. In general, efforts go beyond the targets of 60 and 75% set for the two objectives. A parallel reporting system to ensure consistency between cohesion policy programmes and delivery of the priorities of the National Reform Programmes. Greater decentralisation to regional and local partners leading to better governance and ownership of the Lisbon agenda. 3
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Cohesion policy in support of the four 2006/2007 Spring Council priority actions… More than EUR 85 million (25% of the cohesion budget) planned for investment in knowledge and innovation, more than half of it - EUR 49.5 billion - will be invested in improving innovative capacity in business, by supporting technological transfer and cooperation, as well as R&D and eco-innovation. EUR 19 billion (5% of the cohesion budget) for business development, especially of SMEs. Around EUR 50 billion (14%) planned for improving human capital, active labour market policies, human resource development in enterprises. Investment in energy and energy efficiency 5 times higher in Convergence regions and 7 times higher in the other regions compared to the period. 5
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Investment in RTD and innovation
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Increased investment in energy and energy efficiency
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Cohesion policy addresses new challenges on the agenda EUR 47 billion for investment combating the climate change
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUR 51 billion to be invested in strengthening synergies between environment and growth by investing in environmental protection and risk prevention Investing in transport (EUR 76 billion, half of which for TEN-T projects) as essential pre-condition for economic development of Member States and regions Promotion of an inclusive labour market (EUR 8 billion) Modernising public administrations and services (EUR 3.6 billion) to ensure effective delivery of the programmes … and addressing other key Community priorities 6
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Varied efforts at the level of the Member States both, in the Convergence regions… 7
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION …and in the Regional Competitiveness and Employment regions. 8
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Next steps Some cohesion policy programmes are still to be decided before the end of 2007/early in Following adoption of all 450 or so programmes, a Communication will summarize the negotiations process between the Commission and the Member States. At this stage, the programming documents set out the commitments made by Member States and regions. In the coming years, it will be important to ensure effective and timely implementation of planned actions including continuous monitoring of results leading to recommendations. Adjustment of programmes to new challenges or in order to improve delivery of results in terms of growth and jobs. 9