o.de presented at the Biomass Futures Workshop Biomass Sustainability Criteria Nov. 30, 2010 in Berlin Uwe R. Fritsche Energy & Climate Division, Darmstadt Office Oeko-Institut (Institute for Applied Ecology) Biomass Sustainability Criteria: Implications on EU supply and imports
o.de Sustainability Standards (global) ISO: Project Committee created, but will take at least until 2013 RSB: Version 2 out, further discussion on GHG reduction targets + iLUC (?) GBEP: ongoing work of Sustainability Task Force on indicators, draft list May 2011 GEF: ongoing study, some results in 2011 feedstock-specific: RSPO, RTRS, FSC…
o.de Sustainability Standards (EU, USA) EU RED: no social requirements, none for air/soil/water (reporting only); ongoing work on high-biodiverse grassland and ILUC; USA: EPA on federal level (RFS2) regulates GHG emissions (incl. ILUC), but no biodiversity or other criteria; Californian LCFS also ILUC factor, and to consider other sustainability requirements (biodiversity, soil, water, food security); more to be expected in 2011
o.de Sustainability issues to be focussed on: –direct and indirect land use change (LUC), and its impacts on GHG emissions (quantitative) –biodiversity (especially land-use) – even more important since CBD COP10 (Nagoya, Oct. 2010) – exclusion of no go areas and prioritization of feedstock/cultivation systems –impacts on air, water and soil quality (semi-quantitative) –(global) food security impacts (hard to quantify) –social: employment, rural income (quantitative) Establish coherent set for all bioenergy (electricity,heat, transport - and material)
o.de Sustainability issues of imports –renewbility project examples for sustainable supply through imports –paloil-based biodiesel from ID –sugarcane-based EtOH from BR –BtL from CEE (BY, UA)
o.de GHG emissions and cost: EU vs. imports
o.de Compile draft set of sustainability indicators for all bioenergy compile spatially disaggregated filters for potentials –GHG emission (high carbon land) –biodiversity –water and soil quality For scenarios: help quantify impacts on emissions, employment, and rural income Next steps of work on sustainable bioenergy
o.de Sustainability and Costs Social and environmental criteria increase costs, but less than often argued; Source: Faaij et al. 2010; data for 2015; VS = very suitable, mS= marginally suitable