Joint EMECO/NOOS meeting – Lowestoft – 2-3 June 2009 Some Norwegian activities relevant to EMECO and to the implementation of the MSFD Dominique Durand.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint EMECO/NOOS meeting – Lowestoft – 2-3 June 2009 Some Norwegian activities relevant to EMECO and to the implementation of the MSFD Dominique Durand Head of Dept. Oceanography and Remote Sensing Norwegian Institute for Water Research

Ferrybox in Norwegian waters and Northern regions Cargoship Norbjørn, NIVA M/S Trollfjord, NIVA M/S Vesterålen, IMR (NIVA’s ferrybox) M/S Norønna, MARLab/NIVA M/S Bergensfjord, NIVA M/S Color Fantasy, NIVA M/S Lysbris, GKSS (NIVA) Revisit: 6-11 days Revisit: 7-15 days Revisit: 2 days Revisit: 2-3 days Revisit: 12h Revisit: 5-7 days

Ferrybox network contribution to the Norwegian Overall Management Plans for Norwegian marine sectors Norrøna

SBE45: Temperature Salinity Oxygen (AADI) Particles (Polymetron) Algae (Trios) CDOM (Trios) Cyano (Trios) pH Cleaning Air-pressure cleaning - harbour Weekly to monthly manually cleaning Operational realtime observations

Oslo Kiel

Offline delayed-mode measurements Nutrients, HPLC-pigments, contaminants, algae determination

Deck sensors Satellite validation and atmosphere optical properties Downwelling irradiance Downwelling radiance Air pressure Upwelling radiance Irradiance and UV sensor from TRiOS Two (port and starboard) downwelling TriOS radiance Ramses sensors Two (port and starboard) upwelling TRiOS Ramses sensors

Overview of collected data The data recovery within every month can vary (approx 90%), some docking and maintenance time not shown

Example of products Ferrybox Satellite ocean colour and SST Skagerrak Northern Norway

Sensors under testing or under consideration Analysator for PO 4, NO 3, SiO 2 Optical sensor for oil (PAH) Optical sensor for CO 2 Optical sensor for NO 3 Passive samplers, e.g. SPMD or DGT Test in 2008 pCO 2 systems Others: Radioactivity

What in ? Operational activities Re-establishing the Bergen – Newcastle line Implementing new sensors (nutrients, contaminants) Integration/harmonisation of European ferrybox data within MyOcean (in-situ TAC) R&D activities QC/QA: automation, warning system Climatology of T, S, Chl-a, TSM, aerosol (Coop. univ. Littoral, Fr) Data assimilation of ferrybox transect observations into coupled 3D models (coop. NERSC) Lagrangian modelling integrating ferrybox and buoys data (coop. GKSS)

Needs and ways forward Regional decision on establishing new ”strategic” and trans-boundary ferrybox lines Regional marine strategies (MSFD) EuroGOOS regional nodes Institutional cooperation on implementation, maintenance and data delivery Concrete initiatives: EMECO -JERICHO North-south European collaboration Increase number of ferrybox lines in the Mediterranean, Black Sea Implement VOS-XBTs in Northern Seas

Norwegian Monitoring programmes coordinated by NIVA Riverine inputs and discharge to the coast (land-based and local nutrient sources at the coast) Norwegian contribution to OSPAR’s coordinated Environmental monitoring programme (contaminants) Coastal monitoring programme (nutrients, biodiversity, hydrophysics ) NIVA, IMR Comprehensive assessment of oil and chemicals discharge, distribution and transport in Norwegian marine areas NIVA, NILU, DnV, Radioactivity protection agency, (IMR, next phase) Norwegian overall management plan for the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea Common Procedure for Identification of the Eutrophication Status of Maritime Area of the OSPAR

Norwegian monitoring programme on River discharge to the coast

Norwegian annual coastal monitoring programme Nitrate and phosphate concentrations off Utsira (South-west Norway)

Thanks for your attention