European Commission 1 An EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies by 2020 An EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies by 2020.


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission 1 An EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies by 2020 An EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies by 2020 COM(2011) 173 –April 2011

European Commission 2 Latest Developments 7 September 2010: Roma Task Force set up by the Commission to analyse the use and effectiveness of national and EU funds by all Member States for Roma inclusion 21 December 2010: Roma Task Force findings – Member States do not yet properly use EU money for the effective social and economic integration of Roma 5 April 2011: Communication on an EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies by April 2011: Meeting of the European Platform for Roma inclusion, Budapest

European Commission 3 Forthcoming developments (HU Presidency) 12 April 2011: JAI Council 20 May 2011: Education Council 23 May 2011: General Affairs Council 19 May 2011: EPSCO Council 24 June 2011: European Council

European Commission 4 Why a new Communication? The EU has repeatedly stressed the need for better integration of Roma. The 2010 Communication and staff working document: - Took stock of progress made at EU and national levels –Identified actions to be taken at EU-level. –Urged Member States to better use structural funds to promote equality and tackle segregation. Despite this, according to the Roma Task Force, strong and appropriate measures are still not in place in the MS. It is crucial to step up a gear: ensure that national, regional and local integration policies focus on Roma in a clear and specific way.

European Commission 5 The EU Framework : 1) National Strategies All Member States - in proportion to the size of the Roma population living in their territories and taking into account their different starting points – should adopt /develop further a comprehensive approach to Roma integration Deadline for presenting the strategies: end of Recommended approaches: -Set national goals for Roma integration -Identify where relevant disadvantaged micro-regions -Identify and allocate funding to this policy -Include internal strong monitoring -Include continuous dialogue and cooperation with Roma civil society -Appoint a national Roma contact point

European Commission 6 The EU Framework : 2) four goals Education: ensure that all Roma children complete at least primary school Employment: cut the employment gap between Roma and the rest of the population Achievement of these goals is important to help Member States reach the overall targets of the Europe 2020 strategy. Housing/access to services: close the gap between the share of Roma with access to housing and to public utilities (e.g. water, electricity and gas) and that of the rest of the population Health: reduce the gap in health status between the Roma and the rest of the population

European Commission 7 The EU Framework : 4) monitoring To make sure that the EU Framework makes a tangible difference the Commission wants to put a robust monitoring mechanism with clear benchmarks : The Commission will report annually to EP and Council on progress made in the MS. The FRA will collect data on the social and economic situation of Roma, in cooperation with other organisations. National reform programmes and peer reviews will be additional sources of information. The Commission will take into account ongoing work within the OMC in the field of social policies. In parallel, MS should foresee internal self-monitoring together with stakeholders.

European Commission 8 The EU Framework : 5) other issues The Commission will support enlargement countries (mobilisation of IPA, support to Roma civil society, etc.) The European Platform for Roma Inclusion will be strengthened (stronger role of Commission, continuity, linking the work of Platform with the four priority areas, etc.)