Written by Sophocles Presentation by Brittany Wilder and Cailel Colson


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Presentation transcript:

Written by Sophocles Presentation by Brittany Wilder and Cailel Colson Oedipus at Colonus Written by Sophocles Presentation by Brittany Wilder and Cailel Colson

This play was originally published in 5th-century B.C. Athens. Oedipus at Colonus was produced by his grandson at the Festival of Dionysus (which became a tradition in 6th-century B.C.). It is a dramatic festival that occurred four times a year and is a time to celebrate and worship Dionysus (god of wine). They were allowed to perform a tragic play and it is said that the tragedies had to be written in the form of a trilogy. This play was originally published in 5th-century B.C. Athens. Written shortly before Sophocles’ death in 406 B.C. One of the 3 Theban plays (This play is his third play) The setting of this play is Sophocles’ own birthplace. All 3 plays written and produced in Athens, Greece The play was made into a book.

Oedipus at Colonus The significance of this title is Oedipus is the main character and Colonus is the setting of the play. Colonus is the outskirts of Athens and he is at there sitting upon a grove because he was exiled. He made himself blind. Antigone, his daughter, is there to guide him. The grove that Antigone and Oedipus are sitting on is known to be holy ground. No one was allowed on this grove. Both Oedipus and Antigone learn of this when a citizen of this part of Athens approaches them and claims that they need to leave the sacred place. Oedipus was told a prophesy (earlier in his life) that states that he will die at that certain place and explains that to the local. He sends the citizen off to go get the king, Theseus. This setting is literally the prophesy like forreal doe…

Setting This play is set in ancient Greece. The action occurs at a village named Colonus. It is near the city of Athens. This particular setting relates to the time period. The 3 Theban plays were all written in Athens, Greece where the play is set. Greece is known for its mythology so it is definite that Sophocles made this setting for these plays for a purpose. Something significant about the setting is that Sophocles was born in near Athens so he knows the proper setting and is familiar with it. The setting is literally the prophesy.

Themes A person with conviction will overcome all obstacles despite what the future holds. Ex. Polynices went to war despite his knowing he would die. Your beliefs should be more important to you than the opinions of others. Ex. Antigone rebelled Creon’s laws because she believed in the gods rather than the rules of that society. She yearned to bury her brother, Polynices, properly. Antigone comes from a family who puts their beliefs in the gods. Violence breeds violence. Ex. Eteocles overthrowing his brother lead to a war in which they both died.

Conflict Oedipus had been told a prophecy when he was younger. The gods had told him that he would die on a grove in a place called Colonus, outside of Athens. He had kept this prophesy in his heart for many years. But his son, Polynices and Creon, his brother-in-law insist he be buried in their kingdom. A citizen of the town was passing by and saw that Oedipus and Antigone were sitting on the sacred place and told them to leave. The problem is, Oedipus refuses to leave and even the Chorus starts cursing him and crying out telling him how dare he would even come to the holy ground of the gods. Oedipus also holds internal conflict against both of his sons because they didn’t try to prevent his exile a few years back. Protagonists: Oedipus- victim of his family who wants to bury him in their kingdom rather than from his prophecy Antigone- helps Oedipus Theseus- helps Oedipus Antagonists: Creon- he was a sinkhole Polynices- rebels against his father’s prophecy

Summary Oedipus went to a city outside of Athens to a sacred garden. The king Theseus allowed him the right to stay and even helped him despite knowing calamity might befall him. Oedipus had been told by Apollo of his death and the prophecy also said the city where he was buried would receive great fortune. Oedipus’ son Polynices wanted his fathers blessing to fight his brother Eteocles for the right to the power. Creon and Polynices came to claim Oedipus but he denies and admonished his son and hides from his brother. Polynices goes and fights his brother anyway and they kill one another. Creon captures Antigone and Ismene. Theseus does as asked by Oedipus and keeps his burial site a secret.

Characters Oedipus- father of Antigone, Polynices and Creon Antigone- helps her blind father out when he is roaming outside the city of Athens Polynices- brother of Antigone, wants to battle his brother Theseus- helps Oedipus out when he is trying to stay at Colonus Ismene- Antigone’s sister

Stop my children weep no more Stop my children weep no more. Here where the dark forces store up kindness for both the living and the dead, there is no room for grieving here- it might bring down the anger of the gods. ( keeps the theme violence makes violence) The careful leader does not spread alarm unnecessarily. ( a smart leader won’t make his followers worry about anything but their mission.) They see you and me: they know my pain's a fact, my revenge is empty breath. ( the fact the someone is in pain can be clear be revenge is just talk that leads nowhere.)

Reaction to the Play I suggest that people read this play because it is one of the three trilogies of Oedipus and his life. People will understand what his life was like in a better way. It is hard to comprehend, but easy to understand what the play is about.