Camouflage Any color, shape, or pattern that allows a living thing to blend into its environment.
The following pictures show animals camouflaged in their environments. They are using one of the following strategies: 1.color—the animal blends in 2.patterns—the animal’s pattern makes it difficult to see The technique called “disruptive coloration” uses both color and patterns to make an animal difficult to see. 3.disguise—the animal looks like some other object, like a leaf 4.mimicry—the animal is acting like another animal to scare off predators
Dead Leaf Bug
Ibis in the desert
Hawk moth—mimics a snake
Tartan hawkfish
Woodcock bird
Copperhead snake
Tree frog
Zebras…lions are color blind, so all they see are stripes that blend in with the tall grass!
Butterfly—it has eye spots to mimic a larger, scarier creature.
Artic fox—has summer and winter coats to blend in both seasons!
Granite night lizard
Pacific sand dab
Katydid (disguised to look like a leaf)
Northern walking stick
Cope’s Gray Treefrogs
Goosefish blending into 2 different environments
Long Tailed Weasel—summer and winter coats