Good Manners Manners Of The home. Spread Kindness in the home as a means of attaining happiness: “The Messenger of Alla ah (sa) him) said: ‘When Allah.


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Presentation transcript:

Good Manners Manners Of The home

Spread Kindness in the home as a means of attaining happiness: “The Messenger of Alla ah (sa) him) said: ‘When Allah – may He be glorified – wills some good towards the people of a household, He introduces kindness among them.’” (Reported by Imam Ahmad ) “Allah loves kindness and rewards it in such a way that He does not reward for harshness or for anything else.” (Reported by Muslim)‏

Help one another with the housework: The Messenger of Allah (sa), used to “sew his own clothes, mend his own shoes and do whatever other work men do in their homes. “He was like any other human being: he would clean his clothes, milk his ewe and serve himself.” (Reported by Imam Ahmad ) “He used to serve his family, then when the time for prayer came, he would go out to pray.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari) ‏

If we would do this the following would be acheived: We would be following the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)‏ We would be following the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)‏ We would be helping our wives We would be helping our wives We would feel more humble, not arrogant We would feel more humble, not arrogant

We should also be affectionate and jokingly: Showing affection towards one’s wife and children is one of the things that lead to creating an atmosphere of happiness and friendliness in the home. “Everything in which Allaah’s name is not mentioned is idleness and play, except for four things: a man playing with his wife…” (Reported by al-Nisaa') ‏

Also affection should be shown with ones children: “Whenever he came back from a journey, the children of his household would be taken out to meet him.” He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to hug them close to him. “Whenever the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came back from a journey, we would be taken out to meet him. One day we met him, Hasan, Husayn and I. He carried one of us in front of him, and another on his back, until we entered Madeenah.”

Learn to resist bad manners in the home: If the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to know that one of his household had told a lie, he would try to ignore him until he repented.” (See al-Musna)‏ (See al-Musna)‏

Keep something to use for punishment on display: “Hang up the whip where the members of the household can see it.” (Reported by Abu Na’eem in al- Hilyah)‏ Hinting at punishment is an effective means of discipline, so the reason for hanging up a whip or stick in the house was explained in another report, where the Prophet (sa) said: “Hang up the whip where the members of the household can see it, for this is more effective in disciplining them.” (Reported by al-Tabaraani) ‏

In regards to hitting: Hitting is not the way to discipline; it is not to be resorted to, except when all other means are exhausted, or when it is needed to force someone to do obligatory acts of obedience Hitting is not the way to discipline; it is not to be resorted to, except when all other means are exhausted, or when it is needed to force someone to do obligatory acts of obedience As for hitting unnecessarily, this is aggression. The Messenger of Allah (sa) advised a woman not to marry a man because he always had his stick on his shoulder, i.e., he used to beat his wives. As for hitting unnecessarily, this is aggression. The Messenger of Allah (sa) advised a woman not to marry a man because he always had his stick on his shoulder, i.e., he used to beat his wives.

There are evils in the home to beware of as well: Beware of non-mahrem relatives entering upon women when their husbands are absent. Beware of non-mahrem relatives entering upon women when their husbands are absent. Men and women should sit separately during family visits. Men and women should sit separately during family visits. Be aware of the dangers of having male drivers and female servants in the house. Be aware of the dangers of having male drivers and female servants in the house. Kick immoral people out of your houses. Kick immoral people out of your houses. Beware of the dangers of TV. Beware of the dangers of TV. Beware of the evils of the telephone. Beware of the evils of the telephone.

Other evils of the home: The Internet The Internet Removing pictures of animate beings. Removing pictures of animate beings. Do not allow smoking in your homes. Do not allow smoking in your homes. Do not keep dogs in your homes. Do not keep dogs in your homes. Symbols of false religions Symbols of false religions

The Muslim Home Inside and Out

Choose a good location: Home should be near a Masjid Home should be near a Masjid should not be in a building where there are immoral people should not be in a building where there are immoral people The house should not overlook others or be overlooked The house should not overlook others or be overlooked pay attention to the matter of segregating men and women when non-mahrams come to visit pay attention to the matter of segregating men and women when non-mahrams come to visit Covering windows Covering windows

Also: Choose the neighborhood before the house Choose the neighborhood before the house Paying attention to necessary repairs in the home Paying attention to necessary repairs in the home Pay attention to the family’s health and safety procedures Pay attention to the family’s health and safety procedures